Some random poetry, not edited, pretty raw still.
The words free flow from my mind
And land on the paper I hold
As if it were a net
Catching my thoughts
Reading my mind
Holding them steadfast till the end of my days
Finding the ways
To cast my shadows into light
My white knight
My poetry is my soul
Bearing more than mere words could tell alone
As my lies weave themselves into my speech
Invading my thoughts
Plaguing my being
My poetry stays pure forevermore
An island in a sea of dark
While splotches of tears outline my pages
It’s a comfort, this remembrance of the past
Relinquishing all my pent up pain and anguish
The pages take the hurt, silent with their load
The writing brings my journey farther down the road
And with each word that comes from my dull point
I begin Anew
All my turmoil on the pages
In words that heal
Love like a prison
A hopeless bind, holding us together
Against our nature
And all I want if to get away
From your crushing embrace
But your cement walls hold me tight
A shackle on my heart
Are we so different?
Lives tied irrecoverably to our livelihoods
Pushing deep into a world we’re not ready for
Living and dying by the same hand of fate
I try to pretend I’m different, and what you are, what you say
I don’t do in turn
But we are the same
Mere jealousy and circumstance separating us
A thin stream in the oceans of the world
Alone yet together
Separate in our worlds
Placed side by side by our peers
Forced together, yet still apart
Sharing only our dream of escape
Each path seemingly good
But I can’t see the thorns, the brush, the stones that will
Block my way
I’ll try to decide without seeing,
Hoping to choose what is right
The choices too many to decide
Bartered Silence
Taken for my hope
That a day will come
Where my silence will make a difference
Knowing now
Nothing will change
Only a fool’s hope
I could come out
Fire burns me on each side
Charring my arms and legs
Now unable to walk away
Too deeply entrenched in my spot
Between these awesome forces
They squeeze me like a vice
Such power melting my insides
I die a little
But the battle wages on
Not knowing which flame
Will devour me first
Cutting ties
Long since rusted
On lies
Made long ago
Caked in dust
Bonds tying me down
Now free
But yet I will cast a fleeting look back
Not saddened
But wondering what went wrong
With intentions so pure.