I got tagged by
yupeh (thank u...so i can find reason to post smth..my life been pretty dull w/o fandom lately..)
It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name : Liyana des!
2. A four Letter Word : LIVE.LIFE.LOVE (opps..its three)
3. A boy's Name : Leonardo
4. A girl's Name : Lily
5. An occupation : Lecturer (aarrgghhh!)
6. A color : Light PiNk (ok this is cheating..but hey!its correct wut!)
7. Something you'll wear : Lethear handbag (ok 2nd cheating)
8. A Sport : Lunning (owhh..its running actually..aaahhh!!its hard!help me!)
9. A food : Laksa! (msian food thou~)
10. Something found in the bathroom: Liquid....(anything can be rite?)
11. A place : London! (easy!)
12. A reason for being late : LATE! (example..u slept late, n wake up late...rite?rite?)
13. Something you'd shout : LOL
14. A movie title : Life is beautiful (love that movie!)
15. Something you drink : Light COKE (ok 3rd cheating!)
16. A singer / musical group : Lego Big Morl (listening to Ray rite now..)
17. An animal : Leapord! haha!
18. A street name : Laksamana street (ok i dun wan to cheat anymore...)
19. A type of car : Latio (nissan)
20. The title of a song : Laugh Away, Love is All, Life, Love & Truth
21. An Idol: L !!!!!! (ok..i add this question LOL!!)
emm..i tag every1..coz im lazy to find 20 persons..haha!
till then~