Oct 31, 2007 11:01
ok!as the title said...i dunno if i have the right to say this...but this my LJ...so hell wif it!
dear hate meme followers or wut eva u call yaself-who seem dun huv REAL life bcoz of that bash OTHERs...GO TO HELL!!!!
im so pissed off!not that they bashed me(if they do..i dun even care!not like im goin to die bcoz of u guys!)...but wut im so pissing off...they BASHing the fansubber n translator n etc...even the moderator of the Lj community!DUN u guys huv OTHER thing call LIFE to care to!!!! *hsdbhkjsbdksdbskjdhsj*
ok..im not fansubber nor translator norrrr uploader...but!WITHOUT THEM...how to continue this fandom!I AM TOTALLY THANKFUL BCOZ THEY DONE A VERY VERY GOOD JOB N WILLING TO DO ALL OF THAT FOR THE FAN!!! n wtf wiff this hate meme team to bashing them!!! *bhdbsdhsidjo;adk*
annnnnnnndddddd!!!!!! WTF wif asking them to continue uploading/traslating/subbing when u bash them like trash!!!! *really cant find words to bashing the hell of hate meme followers!!!*
alsoooooo....u bashing JE???but still fandoming them????buying their stufff???WTH!! if u dun like them...SO STOP YASELF!!!wut if u guys dun like them...I STILL LOVE JE BOYS (even though i limit meself to just love some JE boys..) STILL i dun go n bashing others!!!
yapp...i do read the comments n the hate meme (wutsoever!)....just to no how many of them pretending!ha ha!wut wif keep yaself anynomous???scare??scare??huh??!!
owwhhhh!!!really!!!im so lost word to say here...so let me just....ahsuiahsahsaoihsaosjaisjaisjisjasijasaijsoajs!!!!!
sorry my flist...for spamming ya flist page (-_-)
well...HAPPY HOLLOWEEN guys! and fandomWORLD PEACE!