(no subject)

Jul 24, 2005 14:32

Random post time! God its been ahile since I've done this...

Oh god, someone has developed an application that combines HotorNot with Google Maps. This is what happens when Computer Science people like me get bored :p. Have a look yourself: http://apps.hotornot.com/jeff/

On a random computer side-note, I'm glad to see the arcitecture of Google Maps is really taking off. This isn't the first time I've seen something combined with Google Maps and certainly won't be the last. Hell, I might just do it myself one day, who knows ;)

Not only has Google mapped the world, the earth (via Google Earth), but now even the moon! I'm as scared as you are.

I've found a random shop in which you can make your own things...t-shirts and stuff. (Think CafePress, but better). http://www.spreadshirt.com/shop.php?sid=3284 . I have to say the programing is atrocious, but the web program is HOT (I like its design too!). I may just try it out myself sometime. And I just realized its all made in flash. Go figure! I had guessed it was made in either java or flash. I guessed java. The Internet: 1 Mark: 0

In other news, deviantart, that psychotically evil art-subscription site, has been capturing WAY TOO MUCH OF MY ATTENTION this weekend. They know that I love looking at digital art. They must know I have deadlines to make and are happily sweeping me off my feet into digitized goodness. Argh. Regardless, here are some fan-fricken-tastic art and photography finds the past few days.

The Raptor - by ~nathy-d ... this piece is amazing. look at that 3d work. LOOK AT THAT 3D WORK! *dies* :p
Silent Sonnet - by ~gilad ... what an amazing photo. look at the sky, and those clouds! he mentioned osmething about IR (infared) photography in his deviant profile. I'll have to check that out once I learn a LOT more about photography! :p

They are coming out with a 4th Worms game. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D *runs in circles* check out the website! http://www.wormsmayhem.com/
EDIT: I just found out that each worm went from 700-something polygons to 2500. SHIT! That means nicer, smoooother, more animated worms for all of us. It also means more strain on my video card *kicks loud GeForce 6600 GT*.

this is a hot picture of angelina jolie: click <-

I was browing guistyles.com yesterday and I found this little button on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Apparently there is a nationwide campaign to further conversion from Internet Explorer to FireFox or another alternative browser. It's called the "Too Cool for IE" campaign and was started recently. You can find it here: http://guistyles.com/?p=254#more-254 . What an amazing campaign. Oh yeah, ps: IE stands for Internet Explorer, or the worst "modern" web browser in history. If you haven't changed yet get a better browsers

While we're on topic, apparently FireFox got on the front page of Wired earlier this year and I missed it. Here is a link to the article. Check out the images too. Pretty damn cool if you ask me.

Shaun Inman is making a new browser statistics program called Have a Mint. Ever since I saw the preview on David Appleyard's Site I've been hooked. Apparently Patric Weber's Website has some nice previews of it I haven't seen before. Apparently people are raving about the upcoming program, and rightfully so. Every browser statistics program I've come across seems too complicated. The closest I've found to simple is awstats and even then, thats a perl program, and with my newly found php "skills", I prefer not to use perl anymore. *waits for the perl junkies and phil to beat the shit out of me*. Add me to the list of people anxiously waiting for Have a Mint. Who knows, maybe it will be skinnable and I'll be able to export parts of it to the Administrator Control Panel of the new UCMB website =)

David Appleyard's site pointed me to a fascinating development and design organization in Russia (?) apparently called Lebedev Studio. They have made some fascinating products.

First's first, I have to show you guys this mouse. Check it out. It is a big pointer. Too funny! I would get the shit scared out of me if I ever had this mouse.
Secondly, they are making a wireless keyboard with astronomical ideas. It has OLED displays in each button, which allows you to customize whatever the keys do, whenever. It can be used for games to show you what buttons do which. It can change alphabets. You also don't have to worry about the key paint wearing away anymore (oops). It's crazy. I hope they come out with them soon. Production was delayed from next month until "sometime in 2006" but hopefully it all will work out. Check out the pictures!

Keyboard Picture 1
Keyboard Picture 2 (Photoshop Symbols! :O!)
Keyboard Picture 3
Keyboard Picture 4 (Quake Controls o_O)
Keyboard Picture 5
Keyboard Picture 6

And last, but certainly not least, there are several people around the world who call themselves arborsmiths or extreme arborists. When I first heard about these guys, I was like "there's no way". But man, what they do is crazy. They like, shape trees and shit! Look at this crap:

- Picture 1
- Picture 2
- Picture 3
- Picture 4

Well, that's all for now. More to come later :)
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