Feb 27, 2007 22:45
Well all that about studying during the snow day...yeah, not so much. I just couldn't do it. Somehow all my interest in the class took a serious nose dive and I was like screw it. Then I freaked out right before the quiz and couldn't remember anything and let's just say that hopefully that quiz will be a drop. A low down dirty drop! Anyway, we had another quiz today and it was so much better than the last one. It certainly helped that I went to the Plant Sciences Lab and looked at all the specimens and that I studied all the names and habits. In a stroke of pure genius, Joey was talking about the exfoliating Hydrangea that's a vine and Nick was like, no way will that be on it. Anyway, we were all talking about it and THANK GOD because it was actually on the quiz! Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris - Climbing Hydrangea. I couldn't even believe it, amazing.
So I'm in this studio class with the modern hippie professor David Hays. He's an interesting guy to say the least, but I'm so unhappy/frustrated with this class. We're doing this in conjunction with the dance department and it's supposed to be an equal partnership and all that seems to be happening is us doing "movement experiments." Stupid improv dancing! I have other issues with the class, such as Hays favoring some students as if they are God's children. Or perhaps his children, I don't know how religious he is...Anyway, anything they present is like a masterpiece and so thought provoking, but it all seems like garbage to me. The favorites are the "uncool" cool kids. You know the ones that are cool by being strictly against the norm. I swear, I just can't stand them. They presented this one project about apathy towards Darfur on campus and then they followed people who would represent this apathy...you know what they followed? People using cell phones and ipods, or wearing Northface, Uggs, or the color pink. That's shallow and insulting. I just wanted to lash out at them for stereotyping people like that. Anyway, Hays seemed to think it was sheer brilliance.
Later I was talking to one of them in our project groups about how I thought it was ineffective in following the people based on clothing. And he was like, oh you're a Northface lover huh? Then he was like, I'm kidding and when I tried to defend myself (because hello, I don't even own Northface) he wouldn't listen. Annoying little brat!
Those are my rants. Blah!