Jan 27, 2005 18:08
Sorry its been awile but in case you didn't know i am now employed again - yay, i guess - i work at mom's office in michigan city - its not bad - i've only worked three days and i don't have to go back till monday - all i've done is basically filing, which isn't exactly a blast - but all in all its a lot nicer than the garden - i got my own cubical yesterday - yay that made me happy - i just wish i was getting more hours but the other damn girl still has yet to be fired -
So katie hughes is back home - she's doing all right just can't move around too much - thank God she's ok though - none of the accident was her fault - poor thing - everything is going good - they still have to wait to see if she needs to get her spleen removed - hopefully they don't - we'll wait and see - i'll keep you updated -
Later days