Jul 12, 2008 12:50

Gardening is doing well so far, we've got a bunch of cherry tomatos and zucchini so far, and I've put one of the larger watermelons in the box I made for making square watermellons partly according to these instructions.

Also, I might as well point out that I made this page on Squidoo because I hear about modular device things, but then I forget what they're called and can't find them again because nine times out of ten they never become more than someone's odd side project. I guess I could just bookmark them, but this just seems kind of neater, and I might as well use my Squidoo accoutn fo something. Plus, I can use this from any of my computers, so that's kind of neat too. Also, Squidoo can give you moneys, but I probably won't be putting any paticular effort into making any through this.

Oh, and also, my brother will be taking me to Robot 250, so that's really cool.
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