Jan 17, 2007 01:19
night falls and full moons rise
It was a beautiful day today-to see snow on the ground, but then to have a mostly sunny day. It's true that you need sunglasses on days like this more than any other day during the year. The sun's yellow-ness reflecting off the white landscape is so bright you can feel its warmth seeping into your skin. It's a good feeling despite how I may have just morbidly described it.
And speaking of winter conditions, I really have this thing for kicking icicles that I see dangling. Not sure when this started, I may have always enjoyed it ever since I was a young rapscallion, or maybe it's just genetically programmed in every human soul.. For me, it doesn't matter where they are dangling from as long as my feet can reach them. I was at a stoplight eariler this evening in Lansing, and almost got out of the car and clumsily shuffled and flailed my feet in utter delight under the back bumper of the car in front of me. Being arrested would have most likely followed if my fantasy came to fruition.
Last week I contracted a vile case of the stomach flu that had me reeling on the floor of the bathroom for an entire night. It's times like this where you realize that even something like the flu, which is a condition I think we've all shared in common at some point or another, can make you feel an equal vulnerability to that of a baby harp seal being circled by a hungry shark. And you also become humbled at the fact that something microscopic has just owned you and given you a mighty smackdown.
We had our first Thursday service of the new semester last week, and just had a really great worship experience. I was definitely able to get lost in God's presence, even when so much was going wrong sonically and technically. Oh, and I have a small zinger to tell here: So,one of the people playing that night was using my acoustic guitar, and after the first set, he had set it down and started to walk off stage when his foot caught the instrument cable and just violently yanked the guitar off its stand hitting the solid tile with a sound that to any guitarist, is worse than a wounded hippopotamus....I got about 5 different people asking me after the service if I was mad or if I was upset, or if I was going to "throw-down". (yes, somebody actually did ask me that). Now call me strange, but I really just didn't care. And my little "Jerry Springer-esque final word" of this tale is that you can't take any of this stuff with you. So why worry about things like that?
This weekend was my good friend J Hedgy's wedding. I was a groomsman along with one of my other best friends Lee, and it was so great just getting to hang out with them again. J and Lee were the first two guys I ever met at Central when I transferred in blind into Merrill the spring semester of 2000. And sure enough, they were my roommates the year after, and then a couple years on and off in the apartments, at different times. The wedding was a lot of fun. My good friends Adam and Amanda, who are from my hometown in Illinois but also went to Central, came up, as well as Larry and Chris, two other really good friends that I"ve had the pleasure of rooming with. We just had ourselves a little reunion of sorts and it was grand. The wedding was on the Herbert Doan museum ground and it turned out really great. Another friend married....Dang.
Had our Sunday morning services, and then had a creative arts meeting, and then had rehearsal for the MLK celebration service was putting on for Monday night....And then had the winter leadership retreat in Vestaburg. Vestaburg. Vestaburg. What an ugly word. But the retreat was actually a great time....got to share a little bit about myself, played some fun games, got a vision cast by Matt for the new semester and got some new goals set for the ministry teams.....and the highlight of it all. Zip bong! This is the most amusing nonsensical game I have ever experienced, and if any of you readers are not familiar with Zip Bong, I will be glad to introduce you to the comical bliss that it emanates.
Got back Monday morning, and then had the MLK services later that night. Went really awesome. Except I'm not a tech person, but kind of had the role of being in charge of all the tech for these services. Not sure why, as I know there are far more competent people out there....but it still turned out great and got a lot of help from some great people. Rawk.
Today, woke up with another virus wailing on my sinuses. I went with Aubs to Lansing to go guitar shopping for the day. Got to try a lot of really cool acoustic guitars as well as some banjos, some mandolins, some dulcimers, some dobros, some upright basses, oh yeah, I'm on a roll....some resonator guitars, some 8-string lap steels, some 12-strings, some 3000-dollar Taylors, and yeah...it was fun. We headed to the mall afterward to grab a bite to eat, and went in a few stores...then headed back. Tonight I decided to be productive and so I got the apartment and my bathroom clean. Sometimes I'm really good at stuff.
Well, I think it's time for teepies.
One more thing.
I just have to say that I love my God.
That's all.