blue like jazz

Aug 22, 2005 22:04

While I was running errands today around town, I saw about 87 Lexus, Cadillac, and Mercedes SUV's, got honked at 5 times for completely unjustifiable reasons, sat through 10 minutes of traffic just going downtown about 3 blocks, and had rude and unfriendly cashiers at every place I went to. Where was I?

That's right kids, I'm back in Naperville, IL.

Seriously, this CITY just makes me really angry. This is the TOWN i grew up in and have slowly watched it become a monster over the past 10 years. It's now the second largest city in Illinois next to Chicago. Over 150,000 people. I guess it just feels more dramatic now that I'm home for a longer period of time, instead of just coming home on breaks and a couple weekends during the year from the much-friendlier Mount Pleasant.

This city has very evil tendencies. Everybody's out for themselves, and all their lives consist of are the abundance of their toys. I know it's not everybody, but that's just my generalization of it. And a fairly accurate one that I think many would agree with. It needs a wake-up call, a reality check, or a really badass tornado to sweep through the place.

Anyways, I'm done ranting about my lovely hometown.

I should update myself and whoever might still read this thing on the last couple weeks of my life up in Michigan.

I'll start with the weekend of Warped Tour 2005. Jeremy came up that Saturday night, and then we headed down to Royal Oak on Sunday morning to pick up Chris, and head to the Silverdome parking lot. Warped was such a spontaneous plan this year...Chris called me earlier in the week to see if I wanted to go, and I checked out the bands there and decided it might be cool b/c there were a few bands that would be cool to check out and a couple that would really be awesome. And I hadn't gone to one since 2002. Anyways, we got there, and caught the end of Fall Out Boy from a distance, who weren't that great, although might have been better if I was closer. Our first stop was to see the Dropkick Murphy's which were a lot of fun. I just love the bagpipes. And guitars are cool too. But together with some Celtic undertones, some Irish pride, a trademark for playing Amazing Grace fast and heavy but true to form, a heck of a lot of energy, and a love for the Boston Red Sox, you can't go wrong with the Murphys. I loved it.

After that, I watched the first few songs that Relient K played, and then headed over to the stage Mae was playing on a bit early so I could get close and wouldn't miss anything.

And Mae were as amazing live as I heard everyone say they were. I can't wait to see them again. They started with a cool intro similar to the prologue, and then went into the set. They played a couple old songs (Summertime and Soundtrack for Our Movie) and then played the rest from Everglow (Someone Else's Arms, Suspension, This is The Countdown, Painless, Cover Me, and a couple others I can't quite remember, it's been too long) They sounded flawless and Rob was so much fun to watch on the keys, just so intense and dripping sweat as he sang along. Good show.

Then I made sure I caught Thrice. They rocked heavy, and they played 3 new songs from their upcoming release which was cool. During their set, some huge drunk guy in a wife beater passed by me and decided to push me down slowly with his strength until I was on the ground just to be a toolbox. After I got up, I was so outraged, I started after him because I was going to knock his beer out of his hands....but luckily a couple cool guys stopped me and reminded me it wasn't worth getting in a fight...Absolutely right.

After Thrice, the three of us met up again and chilled for a bit. I headed over to the Mae tent to pick up a t-shirt and they were all hanging out there talking to fans and signing autographs. So I got to chat with them for a bit, and had them sign a program cover.

An awkward convo I had with Mark, the bassist.

Me: So are you enjoying yourself playing all these shows this summer?
Mark: Not really. (silence)
Me: Oh. Bummer.
Mark: Yeah. (silence)
Me: Welp, see ya later.

The rest of them seemed to enjoy it though, and they were very cool. Very nice guys. I tried to just keep it real and not get all teeny-bopper-like. I mean, I really like this band, but I never forget that hello, they're just people too. No big deal. And I'm probably better than them at guitar anyways. Haha, jk.

and then we saw the Transplants, who I didn't like at all, minus Travis Barker's genius drumming abilities. After that, we decided not to stay for the Offspring, and had seen everybody we all wanted to see, so we called it a day and headed out.

I wanted to catch Strung Out but they played way early (like 11 in the morning) and Underoath wasn't there which kinda sucked, but ah well...Still a blast. It seemed kinda toned down this year than in the past few years, where there were more lesser known acts, and it never seemed like one was headlining over another. I liked the atmosphere this year, and I know it's a step back in the right direction than where Warped Tour has gone recently with all the headlining teeny bopper bands and the guys that all gott have some kind of image. Make-up, mohawks, spiked something or other, etc....Stupid. They're gonna look at themselves in 5 years and shake their heads.

After Warped, we dropped Chris off in downtown Royal Oak, and headed home. STopped in Novi to get some Coldstone and then I got a call from Megan, and we decided to turn around and go visit her since I wanted to say bye and stuff. Jeremy turned on some radio station that was broadcasting one of the Detroit clubs live with the DJ and music....I was laughing so hard. So then we got there about 45 minutes later, and I was sunburnt and completely exhausted. We hung out there and chatted for a while, had a really good time. Talked to her brother and parents a little, she made Jeremy a fajita, and I had a cookie and it was good. I gave her some pictures of us at the wedding and my Mae autographs (after all, she was the one that introduced me to their music) said our goodbyes, and then headed home. Got back late and crashed hard.

My last week at CMU was tough just cuz I knew it was almost over, but I still packed a lot of fun into it:

Monday: Saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Brad and Aubs.

Tuesday: Went fishing one last time with Jeff and Erin at Deerfield Park until dusk. A funny moment was showing after I caught a bluegill, Erin wanted a closer look, and so she peered over to see it, and as I was holding it, the fish somehow escaped my grasp, and went flying into her arm. And its fins actually pricked her arm. So then the rest of the week at work I was accused of chucking a fish at her. But you livejournal readers get the true story right here.

Wednesday: I don't remember

Thursday: Last His House service for me. I got to play with Aaron, and Matt said some kind words about me before he started the message. And then everybody prayed about different things, and Steve lifted me was just so touching. Said my last goodbyes to a lot of people that night as well. I miss my family there. Later that night, hung out with Aubs at Subway for a while, and then me and Brad made a late night Meijer trip just for the heck of it.

Friday: Josh Walker and Kate Lighthart's wedding in Grand Rapids. Beautiful. I drove down with Sierra and we made the wedding just in time. Got to hang out with so many people at the reception...Ty, Rose, Sie, Joni, Sam Prater, Dan Rinke, Frank, Brie, Peti, Jamie P, Tony B, Dave W, Swilly, Ben S, Mark, Jeremy, etc.... The band at the reception was cool...hard to dance to because it was just a female vocalist, an acoustic guitarist, and a bassist, with no drummer, but they played a lot of sweet songs including some Counting Crows and Gin Blossoms, and some cool 80's songs. A whole bunch of us also did the Hitch thing where we formed two lines and took turns doing goofy dances down the was so funny. I also got to hang out and talk to Tiffany S. for quite a bit, who I haven't seen in a couple years. She looked so beautiful. She's working out in Wyoming at Teton National Park. How cool would that be? Anyways, we chatted, had a dance, and exhanged phone numbers and screen names. Hopefully I'll keep in touch better.

After the reception, myself, Peti, Jeremy, and Sierra retired to the Amway Grand across the street. Had a lovely view of the brown river with the skeleton in it, and quite the laughs with an intoxicated Matt Peti. The next morning we hit up some Big Boy...I realized I didn't pack any change of clothes except some old jeans I had in the bag, so I got to wear crappy jeans with all my formal attire. I was a stud, let me tell you. Then we all headed our separate ways. Had a nice trip home chatting with Sierra about friends, about God, and about futures. (I just wanted to say futures cuz I think that's a really sweet "word", credits to J.E.W.) Said our goodbyes...Man, I hate goodbyes.

Hung with Larry for a bit, and said bye to him, then hung out with Aubs and we went to Doozie's...then said bye to her, and went to Dukes Of Hazzard with Jeff and Amanda to hang with them one last time. Do you see a trend here?

Sunday: Left for Bay Shore softball/baseball camp with Steve Lampi and Ty Forquer. I'll sum up this week a little shorter. We spent almost the entire time in the studio recording "Up." 12 original songs by the Steve Lampi Band. It turned out really great, but man it was stressful. Every morning we got up at 7 in the morning, recorded and arranged from around 8 am to 7 pm, and then played a service for the kids every night from 8 pm to around 10 pm. Then it was bedtime and another early morning. I had a lot of fun though bonding with Steve, Ty, and Kyle. We got a nice room with some sweet A/C (praise the Lord!) and had Yahtzee breaks and a stash of every anti-nutritious food you could think of at our disposal. It was cool seeing Jon Grady, Amy King, and Katie Hacker again too.

I got sick Thursday night at camp, and after I finished recording all the guitar parts on Friday, I headed back for Mount Pleasant. But I found out on my way home that the new guys moved in a day early into my apartment, so they took all my stuff out of my room and threw it downstairs. I couldn't believe it, I was so upset. Just because I had made plans to move out on Saturday well in advance because I knew I was getting back from camp late Friday night. Made sure it was cool with the new guys if I moved out Saturday a few times, even at the beginning of July. But I guess it doesn't matter. It was just bad, after that enduring week to come home sick and not even have your own room or bed. So I packed up my car and got a hotel room that night. Also hung out with Brad and Todd one last time as roomies. We hit up Doozie's and Meijer, I'm gonna miss having them around.

Headed home Saturday....and then Minnesota for a family vacation on Sunday. I drove with Dave there and my parents drove in a separate car. I actually paid attention to my surroundings on the trip, which I rarely did in the past oh so many years we've gone up there. Wisconsin is actually a very pretty state. And Minneapolis at night is also very pleasing to the eye.

Most of the trip was just spent chillin'. Me, my dad and brother headed to the mall one day, got cooked meals most of the trip, and visited my great uncle Johnnie quite a bit more than usual, due to the fact that our Aunt Marion passed away earlier in the summer. It was nice spending time with him, he seems to be doing good. And he's the only old man I've ever seen who's in his 80's, can barely walk, but still owns a red Toyota sports car and drives it like he's 18 years old. Hilarious.

Now I'm home....I've gutted my room out, cleaned it, and have started the job search. I've hung out with Adam, Amanda and Melissa a bunch. Kung Fu Hustled. Found a new church. Visited NIU and Dave's new room. Bought the Waking Ashland CD and the new Taproot which is sweet. And that about sums up my life in Naperville so far. Kinda slow. Hopefully things get better.

I'm gonna go play Sonic the Hedgehog now.

p.s. If you read all this, I owe you some Teddy Grahams...or something
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