Apr 30, 2005 01:41
It hit me Wednesday night that I'm really one week away from being finished with college.
It's just weird to think back to my senior year in high school, and how I imagined everything college was going to be like, and what I would be like versus who I am now. And now to finally be finished with it for good. It's really a cool, bittersweet feeling.
Praise God for finding me here in Mount Pleasant, MI.
Monday, got together with the guys and went bowling, and then to Dooz. Out in the cold saying our "see ya laters". Thursday night was also really cool, heading to Las to finish off the tradition with Todd, Brad, Meg, Aubrey, Sierra, Raeanne, Mark, Tim Doescher, Josh Walker, Lindsay, and Brie. And remembering all the awesome Thursday night Las times with eveyrbody over the past 3 and some odd years; you guys know who you are, and I love all of ya.
I had a lot of fun tonight. Went to Gentle Friday and hung out with Dani, Sierra, and Aubrey. And raced on a motorized toilet for the first, second, and hopefully not last time. Tonight I got some good eats at the Ponderosa with Mark Holsworth, and then hung out with Aaron Mora and Jeremy Gonsior for the rest of the night, along with Brad and Megan....demonstrating pilates, the enigma that is the Dutch, and spooning with retatded gerbils (don't ask, and then I don't have to explain the funniest conversation that you probably wouldn't understand)
Thursday was my last night rocking out at HHCF. And I got to share some parting words with the fellowship. It was cool because I knew the seniors were talking that night, but didn't even really know what I was going to say when I got up to stand in line for the microphone. Then it hit me....I really had to pee. So during my bathroom break, I received revelation that yes, I was leaving my amazing family up here, but that God isn't staying in Pearce 127. He's with me everywhere. At every waking moment, no matter where I may end up. And so much comfort just flowed over me after that realization. And so I hope my words gave some comfort or reassurance to the other seniors going through the same week I've been going through. Not wanting to leave...not wanting to leave anything or anyone behind. It's ok. It's all good.
I've been amazed at the person Christ has transformed me into. To look at myself then, and now. To see how the truth gave me total and complete freedom. It is something everyone deserves, and I hope everyone finds it. Not because we earned it. But because it's being given to us, out of desperate love. To anyone who wants it and seeks it. It's that missing jigsaw piece that you just can't seem to find to fill that void. You know the one I'm talking about.
I feel really good about whatever the next step is. I have trust and faith. And that's the only preparation I really need.
I know i still have a week of finals left....And a summer intership up here. But I just feel like wrapping it up, so to speak, tonight. It's just that time.
Rock 'n' roll