Last updated 25 weeks ago?

Apr 04, 2009 12:37

Wow, time flies I guess. =P

A lot is going on lately. Well, not really, it just seems that way sometimes. I did manage to find a job in February and have managed to survive it so far, so that's been a plus. It's been a real blessing to be able to afford things now.. like finally getting my laptop's keyboard fixed, so I can bring you amazing livejournal entries like this one! I am a bit mad at something happening at my job right now, though. I was hired at a mere 7.21 an hour, which is not even minimum wage, with a promise that in a month, it'd be raised to 8 dollars an hour. Except the manager who hired me left before a month, and the new manager hasn't given me a raise yet. And I find out the people she hired are making 8 an hour, even though I do way more work than them and even trained them. They don't even think it's fair. Plus, I found out the guy I work with directly, who does the same exact job as me, gets NINE dollars an hour. That's almost two more than me. So, yeah, I'm going to be raising a fit to at least get up to 8.

Especially since I found out I might be getting wage garnished now because of past student loans. Note to kids: don't go to college unless you are sure that's what you want to do with your life. It's just going to be a big albatross hanging over your head otherwise.

Health wise, things are so-so. I found out I have cataracts, so that's been a huge adjustment. I have trouble seeing clearly, everything's a blur, yadda yadda. It's a pain, but I am hoping to have surgery soon to correct it. I did get new glasses, which helps with day-to-day survival and vision, but short term vision like reading is still a major disaster. If I don't talk to you on the computer, it's probably because I can't see what the hell is going on. It happens quite frequently.

I was really sick this past week, and had to rest for a few days. My colon decided to remind me it still is a sick colon, and I had some brutal pains, dizzy spells, flu-like symptoms, the works. It was brutal, and I don't wish a colon problem on anyone.

I don't really play video games or watch many movies as a result of working, being tired a lot (the hours are pretty bad. I go in around 6:30 AM every day I work), and the cataracts, but there's a few things I'd like to accomplish at some point.

-> I'd like to finish Xenosaga Episode 2. This game SUCKS, but I was pretty close to the end, and then I can move onto 3, which I heard is far better.

-> I'd also like to finish Dragon Quest 5, which I am close to doing, and then finish the remix of 3 that got translated recently for SNES. Then, I'd suddenly have most of the series beaten, since I have beaten 1, 2, 4, and 8 already.

-> Movie wise, man, I really want to see Friday the 13th. I am SO MAD I was not able to see it in the movie theater because of my vision. KI also want to see 12 Rounds, but that's not a huge concern.

I spend a lot of my time watching Let's Play videos on lately. These are videos where a person will talk while playing a video game. It's a good way to find out how a game goes without actually having to play through it yourself. I now know what Blaster Master (NES) looks like all the way through, since lord knows I'd never have the patience to sit down and actually play through that one.

I'm sure I'll have more to say eventually, but that's all I can think of right now. I'm still alive, basically.
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