Aug 09, 2008 18:33
My health just does not want to get better. I am in pain all the time and the only thing that provides any sort of relief is pain medicine and that's only temporary. So I gotta be on pain medicine the rest of my life? Fun. It's not going to help my stomach which has been killing me lately and the doctors can't seem to tell me why.
I can't keep my sugar under control lately no matter what I do because I am sick. It either gets high and I get crabby or it gets low and I start passing out and I get crabby too. Good times.
Most of my friends seem to be ignoring me and I feel lonely as hell all the time. I can't seem to keep anyone in my life. Family too. My mom and Rick are here for me, I suppose, but they tend to annoy the piss out of me. My own brother hates me and won't even talk to me.
I used to have a good life and now I am just wasting away, day by day, depressed and in pain and lonely while everyone else is moving on and making something out of their life.
I just don't know what I am going to do any more, nor do I care. And I know no one else does either. Which is fine because I am used to it by now. Depression sure is a fun thing and I don't think anyone realizes how bad it gets to me sometimes.