Thoughts of NaNoWriMo....

Oct 27, 2008 11:26

Well, it's a lovely Monday, and I am happy to report that after a long sleep-in I did sit  down to start writing the next chapter of GB on Saturday. It's coming along fairly well, if I do say so myself, and I would post a preview for you wonderful people if I had the chapter on me right now. Unfortunately, it's on my lappy, and I didn't put a copy on my flash, so you'll have to wait on that. I am also making a note that the title has changed: it is not Of Dining and Dads, rather, Of Parents and Pi. PP, for short. Really, I don't know what's up with me and the alliteration lately.

I wanted, however, to jot down a quick entry about a decision that I've been considering lately: whether or not I should take the NaNoWriMo challenge.

I had the consideration of doing it for an original idea I've had, but I am sad to say that said idea is nowhere near developed enough to start writing for so soon. Instead, I am raising the option of starting Dynamism, a 30-something chapter Leon/Cloud AU that is fully planned out, but not written, in the place of my original. How would you guys feel about that? I will admit that there is a severe lack of novel-length LC in the fanfiction section, and my thanks and praise go out to those who are breaking this trend - like Lady Karai, Sorceress Fantasia, Dualism, CornCob, YonderB, Stellar Eclipse, and other marvelous writers. However, in comparison to the sheer influx of novel-length fics for....going to pick at random....Draco/Harry in the Harry Potter section or even our own Riku/Sora, the Leon/Cloud section is frightfully bare.

However, I am still in the process of writing GB, and no, it is nowhere near completion, so I'm not really sure if I should start something new at the same time - or, *brilliant idea* I should just take the challenge with GB and use this as an opportunity to kick my writing life into overdrive and finish the damn thing?

Opinions, opinions, people? They would be greatly appreciated.

A date to look out for - my contest winner's oneshot will be up next week, so keep your eyes open. And if you'd be so very kind to drop a comment on the issue I've outlined, I would greatly appreciate it.


riku, changed, harry, 30, leon, lappy, dining, sora, preview, dynamism, opinion, parents, pi, nanowrimo, gb, cloud, draco, dads

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