Forgot to mention our exciting news...

Dec 01, 2004 09:55

I totally forgot to mention some exciting news - Todd went back to work on Monday! Woohoo! He is doing so awesome but he has now moved into the "How much longer do I have to wear this stinking cervical collar?" phase. I also catch him "cheating" a lot by taking the collar off "only for a minute". He has a follow-up with his surgeon on the 20th where he thinks the doctor will say he can forego the collar but I am not so sure. He cannot drive with the collar on so I am now the official chauffeur of the family. He says he feels like a little kid whose mom has to drop him off and pick him up from school (he works at an elementary school). He has definitely regained most of his sense of humor and life is definitely returning to normal. Big woo hoo on that.

I (stupidly) went for an interview on Monday and they basically told me at the end of the interview that I can expect an offer from them. I say that I "stupidly" went on the interview because I am not looking for a new job and now I have just given myself a mind fuck. My boss here and my job are amazing and I don't know that I could have it any better anywhere else. So, why you ask did I go on the interview? Money, plain and simple. The headhunter sucked me in by quoting a figure of 40K over my current salary. That 40K would do a lot of things for us that we have planned on in in the long term. That 40K would allow us to do these long term plans in the short term. That 40K would replace Todd's income and he would quit his job at the end of this school season to solely devote himself to our real estate business. We would definitely buy some more places and move into "flipping" some of them rather than holding them as rentals (what we do now). We could do all of these plans now on my current salary but that would mean a lifestyle cutback and to be honest, I just don't feel like giving up nice things and spending whatever I like. Gah, what to do, what to do. I am trying not to think about it and just wait and see what their offer is like.

Our weekend was fab. We went to look at a condo for sale for the business and it was okay but we didn't love it. The people had obviously done some of the improvements themselves and it totally showed. I would much rather start with a shithole and renovate it the right way than try to fix someone else's fuckups. The search for more property continues. More shopping and errand running and then we had dinner at home (scallops, yum) and opened a bottle of wine that we had been looking forward to drinking. Neither of us ended up liking it, so that sucked. I hate when that happens. We watched a super cute move aftewards, "Seeing Other People" with Jay Mohr. It was a great, yet simple movie with some good laughs.

On Sunday we went to Annapolis to meet my cousin, her husband, and their new baby Miah. Adorable, adorable, adorable. My cousin, who is more like a sister, is such a nervous new mom but they are all doing great. They live in WV but her husband's family lives in MD and they were here for Thanksgiving. Miah is precious and I got all teary eyed just saying goodbye to her. I love my cousin so much, she is such a great person and I am so happy with our closeness.

Afterwards, we went to a friend's new house for football watching. Todd and I used to work with this guy and he is hysterical, wordly, cultured, intelligent, and just fun. His wife on the other hand...Well, I do like his wife but they just seem like *total* opposites and it's very hard for me to relate to her. She constantly comes across as meek, uninformed, and just self-conscious. I know it's mean for me to say all of this but it's just hard to hang out with them sometimes because I get "forced" into having one-on-one time with the wife while Todd is yukking it up with the husband. The husband invited us over specifically to watch football, so we show up at 12:45 with Redskins clothing aplenty ready to kick back and watch the game and we walk in to see the wife preparing an elaborate lunch (she HATES football). It really was super nice of her to make such an awesome lunch (it was really good) but we didn't even get to watch the game until 2:30. When we did go downstairs to watch she sat sulking in a chair. I know football isn't everyone's cup of tea but come on. Do any of the rest of you have any couple friends where you don't really love one of the people? It's so hard and I don't know what to do about it.

Monday was back to the grind. Todd had a good day but he is really tired (sleeping still sucks). We had an a la Zing dinner courtesy of you LJ girls and it was phenomenal to have something so easy for dinner. Yum. I am going to order a package for my cousin when she goes back to work after maternity leave in January. Thanks again to everyone. After dinner we noticed a tiny leak under the sink and of course Todd had to mess with it and managed to detach the sink from the garbage disposal. I was standing there telling him not to mess with it, I am on the phone talking to our handyman and he can come over soon, just put a bucket under the sink but of course he has to be the typical guy and insist on tinkering with something that he doesn't know anything about and breaks the damn thing. I was livid. Thank God the handyman could come yesterday (although I had to stay home from work to let him in, THANKS honey) and we have a working kitchen sink again.

Dinner last night was a rotisserie chicken. I am contemplating another Zing dinner tonight but I am also going to check out Kathy's LJ community for quick dinners. Gotta get back to work...
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