Title: Keys to a Clockwork Heart, 2/8
Fandom: Gakuen Heaven
Warnings: None for this chapter, highlight for overall warnings: slash, mentions of rape
Summary: Reunions don't always happen during the best of circumstances.
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He turned his back to the doorway, regretting the words, the impulse, the desire to not have this man, out of all the people he knew, think the worst of him, even when he knew he never had a shot with him to begin with. )
Thank you for the comment and the well-wishes. ♥ It is kind of hard to fit in writing in between studying, graduation project and heart attacks over said project, but yeah, getting 2-3k words out every week feels great. :D
I know what you mean about the writing and real life stuff. *clicks on chapter 3 like NAO*
I wish I could find the time for writing and reading, I see a bunch of fics in the GH comms I didn't know about. *sneakily fits "study breaks" in schedule*
... As for new GH fics... I will definitely have to keep a lookout. Try something like... um... One hour studying, 10-15 minutes reading break? Writing, for me at least, takes way longer ^^
It does take longer but reading fic is much more distracting. XDXD
Btw your icon is incredibly cute. ♥ That's from KHR right? Haven't found the time to pick up the manga yet.
And yesh, the icon is of the title hitman tutor, Reborn. Basically cut out from a page in the manga. Took me a long while to get over the hype enough to be willing to start reading the thing (only finally got into it because my then best friend seemed to liked it so much). It's cracky and haremish without really being BL oriented. *Points you to current icon, which is also from KHR* - see, there's eye candy =DDDDD
The eyecandy looks awesome yes. :X I keep hearing good things about it (manga, not anime) so have been wondering if I should pick it up. Though maybe after graduation might be a better idea. XD
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