
Nov 03, 2010 10:43

Well, annoyed, sad, frustrated, and unsurprised, all at once, really. So, crossposting a question from Facebook. I believe that a certain degree of wealth redistribution (lopping the long tails off the economic bell curve) is a Good Thing, and I believe that our current policies, at the state and national level, and seriously failing to do this. I blame the resulting inequality of access to health care and education as a major reason for the crappy state of our economy and polity. I recognize that numerous friends of mine might well disagree, to which I can only say, you have not and likely never will meet some of the incredible horror stories I encounter every day. I am willing to argue about this with you further if you'd like.

Meanwhile, the question: if we have managed to save some small amount of money this year, and might be able to afford to donate some of it, where should it go? Normally, my chunk goes to civil liberties groups, but right now I'm less concerned with Congress trying to ban sex/drugs/the Internet, and more with Congress trying to passively murder anyone who's inconveniently impoverished. Is there any reasonably efficient advocacy group, other than the Democratic Party itself, that consistently advocates for that evil socialist welfare state?
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