Have not posted much on the Interwebs in general, as have been busy. Not crazy-on-call busy; I have actually not had to take in-house overnight call since early March, and won't have to do so again until late summer. The past 1.5 months have been totally call-free, assuming you don't count overnight ER shifts (which I don't). In short, the day job's been behaving itself.
What that's done is let me get busy with good stuff. Been spending a lot of time (not as much as I should) doing journal searches, piling up articles, and trying to design my next research project. Found out from my schedulers that I get March thru June next year as pure lab time (with some call). Now all I have to do is figure out what I'm going to do in those four months and how I'm going to get it paid for!
Also have been working with something that isn't a local startup yet but wants to become one. Basically, decided it might be fun to play around with our local business plan competition, hooked up with a scientist who had an idea about medical diagnostic testing, and tomorrow will give our team's pitch at the competition semifinals (and maybe finals, if we're lucky). Don't know if we'll win, but we've got a solid shot at it. I'm predicting we'll hit the top four.
Speaking of which: if you didn't already get this link via Facebook, I'm trying to help them do some needs analysis to figure out whether there's really a product here. 5 minute survey at
https://academictrial.qualtrics.com/SE?SID=SV_eLfSJtkqtnZmwYI&SVID= if you've got the time.
Other stuff in the past few months including taking yet another annoyingly expensive and long standardized test for licensure (passed!), continuing to search for a slightly better apartment so that we'll have room once we finally get around to having a baby, and planning upcoming travel. This weekend we're off to the San Juan islands for three days of kayaking around looking for orcas and other seagoing critters. In a few short months, we get to come back to Pittsburgh (we miss you guys!) for two of our best friends getting married. Should be some more hiking, biking, maybe even some camping interspersed in the weekends.
Basically, I'm not writing much because I'm spending a lot less time just sitting around in front of a computer. Still around, will continue to attempt to update eventually.