So it would seem that the new Star Wars film will be out someday, especially with the incredible trailer that has been release and news that it will be rated PG13. Looks like it's finally time to do some growing up.
But as excited as I am to know the story will come to an end, I am excited about a Fan Film that will be released this April. You see a Baltimore based production company, Panic Struck Productions, and thier fan film "Star Wars: Revelations" is screening at the Senator Theatre in Baltimore, MD on Saturday, April 16th 2005. The theater seats 900 and the event is free to attend. I am so excited about this one, hope to see some folks there. to find out more info, or you can check out the trailer at I love fan films, no that's not quite right, I love good fan films.
I have to thank
blackfoxofde for showing me Batman Dead End, truely one of the best fan films I have ever seen.
And just to let people see why I'm so fond of them I've got links directly to several of the better Star Wars ones, at least in my opionon. BTW my fav is Dark Redemption, it features Mara Jade from the Zhan books.
In no particular order...
The Dark Redemption
MovEmergence of the Sith
MovBroken Allegiance
MovKnight Quest
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Seeds of Darkness
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3Power of the Sith
Part 1 Part 2Essence of the Force