May 28, 2008 20:50
My mom called me today to tell me that Tab is not doing well at all. For those of you who don't know, Tab is one of our cats (the other being Sprite). He's lived with us since April 1, 1997, and he's one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
While I'm a firm believer that no one person owns a cat, Tab has always been "Tim's" in that Tab would often sleep with Tim and follow him around, much as Sprite was "mine" in that she would sleep with me and follow me around everywhere. This does not do justice to how close I was with Tab, and how much I will miss him. From the sound of it, he might be put down either tomorrow or the day after.
I have a job interview tomorrow as well as other plans, but I intend to drive down to New Jersey Friday morning to say goodbye to Tab. I asked my parents if he was comfortable to not rush anything so I could see him, but who knows what will happen. I just want to see him one last time before its too late.