An actual update

Jul 28, 2004 23:12

It's been a month since I've updated, and before this journal gets deleted, I decided to actually write something.

In March I turned 23, and one of things I've always regretted was that I never learned to drive past a few lessons I took after I graduated from highschool. So about three weeks ago, ny mom decided she would to teach me to drive. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. She says I drive better than her friend. I just need to study the driver's handbook so I can go for my license. Hopefully, I'll be ready pretty soon, because school starts in about a month, and I would like to either have my license or be as proficent as possible so I can go by myself.

Which of course brings me to the fact that the summer is almost over and the fall semester is almost ready to start. I'm actually going to take more than one class. I've actually managed to register in time, so the classes I need to take aren't even half full yet. Right now I've managed to register for Biology I and Intermediate Italian. I'm going to register for an Aerobics class which will probably take place in the night, so I can go after work. The only other class I want to register for is History of Western Civilization. My sister says I should take Professor Crow because she had him and he was supposedly great. The only problem is that his class takes place between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm and I start work at 11:00 am. The other classes I'm taking finish at 10:30 am, so this is the only class that may be a problem. I think I can get the hour I go into work pushed back to 12:30 pm. The only thing is that we just got a new head of circulation, and he starts tomorrow. I don't want to throw this at him right away because he's just starting out and doesn't know the schedule. I'm going to have to talk to the head librarian instead. I 'm going to register for this class, and I really can't wait for this guy to assimilate to his new job. I'm not going to wait and have the seat taken up by someone else.

I started this job over three years ago, and you're supposed to have a job evalutaion within six months of starting. But here I am three years later, and I've never had one. Till now. my boss told me today that one is coming up. I had to do a self evaluation. It had the stupidest questions. Like what career goals do you have and how would they benefit the library. Or what skills do you have and would like to use more often and how would they benefit the library. Please. I'm a freakin' shelver! I don't need any other skills other than knowing how to put things in alphabetical and numerical order. There isn't any training I could take that would help with my job. They were the stupidest questions and really didn't apply to my position. I had no idea what to write. I practically left some questions blank. I'll probably have to do it over. Gah! So stupid.

Let see, what else. I got the new xbox game: The Suffering. I've been wanting to get this for the longest time. I like it so far but the controls are hard. I hate the point of view. It's hard to shoot because unlike in other games like, The Thing, for instance, the gun doesn't automatically aim. So the creatures are coming at me, and I have to move the controls to get the gun in position. Which, of course, takes forever, and I end up dying. Sigh.

school, bitching, work

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