Corpse Flower from Botanical Gardens

Jul 22, 2018 22:39

OK, I did promise some pics from earlier in the summer.

Buffalo's Botanical Gardens has a few corpse flowers, and two of them bloomed this summer.
The first, Morty, on June 11th, who turned out to be a dud. It never really unfurled. I was so annoyed because I made a special effort to go there on a weeknight at 9pm.

But, I'd never been there before, and they did have some cool stuff.

Then, on 6/30, I saw on the news that Fester was getting ready to open. I figured it would probably open really quickly because of the hot, hot weather, so I again went down there in the evening. It was great, hardly any people.
And, Fester was open!

Some people were complaining of the smell, but I didn't think it was bad. Just a little stinky, maybe like...dirty feet. I've smelled plenty of dead animals and it was nothing like that, at all. I guess it depends on how sensitive your smeller is.

So, I am glad I went and now I don't have to ever go again.

To complete our flora theme, here is my little stump in the front yard with some coleus and succulents.

That's it, I'm working on loading the airshow pics. I think I have to do the videos on youtube. What a pain.

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corpse flower

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