I am such a liar!
Said I'd do an update way back in May.
Sometimes it's just so hard to do anything.
I do have some stuff to share, but no time to post it now. Like, an air show, corpse flower, and misc stuff.
I kind of procrastinated because I wasn't sure what was going on this month.
I am going to Toronto for the convention. What a roller coaster - first Larry was scheduled to testify on 7/10, then drive to his parents for a visit. We weren't sure that he would be back in time. Then, found out last week the trial was postponed. Yay.
So, I started getting stuff together and - couldn't find my passport.
panic panic panic panic panic.
I am such a loser.
Took me 3 hours of frantic searching last night and today to find it in a box with my Toronto folders of maps and info.
Such an asshole loser.
Seriously, I was crying, I was so upset.
But, my trip is saved, and I can't wait to get out of here.
I need to finish most of my packing tonight, as I'm leaving around 3pm tomorrow. *dances*
so excited!!!!!!
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https://mdnytryder.dreamwidth.org/154871.html. Please comment there using