A frothy mix of embarrassment and a fine suit

May 19, 2005 23:45

Found while rooting around in high school-era photos:

Me and the enemy, April 1998.

Yes, that is me posing for a photo with Sen. Rick "My name got totally owned by Dan Savage" Santorum.

It was a trip to Capitol Hill for the Washington Journalism Conference, which put high school juniors and seniors together with journo professionals for a week to be discouraged from attending journalism school. I wish I had taken my picture with Helen Thomas, or maybe even Matt Drudge. But they had me meet Santorum, when I wanted to meet Arlen Specter, and all I got was his press secretary, a Princeton grad who chided me about deciding on Harvard.

I was 17, and my powers were not as strong then. The next time Santorum and I meet, he's not walking away from it ... asshole ...


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