Award Fail

Oct 12, 2009 15:16


Does anyone truly care about Obama winning the Nobel peace prize? Really? Does it matter to you, indignant souls? Does it really matter to you and your life? I don't remember you having any spirited debates about the Nobel selections last year.

I also think, Nobel haters, it's horrifyingly dense to think the following:

1. That "nothing's been done but speeches" when the main tool of diplomacy is talking.

2. That the shift in tone from the head of the world's most powerful country doesn't have any impact on world relations.

3. That any good bricklayer doesn't need to cut stones and mix cement first.

4. That blaming the award winner is better than blaming the committee who made the pick.

5. That eight months is enough time to solve complex world problems, or that solving complex world problems is the only measure of success when handing out a Nobel peace prize. If you think that, you need a history lesson.

There's a lot more I could say about this, but I'm simply too tired to bother right now. So I'll let Rachel Maddow speak, since she sums up what I've been thinking the past few days:

image Click to view

For now, I'll end with this this, since Dave Chappelle is still in hiding: It's just like a black guy to catch hell for winning something!

I'll have more to say about race and the Obama discourse later on, 'cause there's a lot going on there that I've heard way too many times when it's a brown face. And the blame is owned by a lot of folks, not just the Republicans.

tv, politics, race

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