1. Anyone ever give you crap about dating a white woman?
No. Not to my face, anyway. Probably because I'm too much of a no-bullshit person for anyone to give me shit about it. Probably because the people I surround myself with don't care about stuff like that.
My family doesn't care, either, because Rosemary's a good girl and I'm happy. For myself, it would have been nice to be going out with someone who looks like me -- it has a meaning, especially with certain stereotypes out there about successful black men and the partners they choose -- but that's not what happened.
I've had a couple of black female friends of mine ask me about dating a white woman before, in an honest and non-critical fashion. And the answer is always the same: First, I went for the girl who went forme. And second, Rosemary and I are very much alike on the inside, and that's what counts.
2. Do you have a favorite sport or a favorite team?
Favorite sport is NBA basketball, I think. As much as I love NFL football, I don't watch the playoffs there with the same intensity that I do for NBA.
I don't really have a favorite team. But I like following Philly teams the most.
3. What's your favorite book? Do you re-read it often?
"1984" by George Orwell. I try to read it once a year.
4. Have you travelled outside of North America? If so, where?
Yes, but only once, to London to see my friend
lormagins when she was a theater school student. I was there for a few days, and we did very little tourism. I did go to the Globe Theater, and we went around town a good bit. I did some supermarket shopping at a Safeway, bought a hat. We had a great time chillin' in her flat.
And my favorite memories of being with Anne are while I was there: 1)We got all high on Tower of London mead, talked politics for hours, got hungry and went out to eat at this swanky-like seafood restaurant JUST AS THEY WERE ABOUT TO CLOSE. And we got courses, a bottle of wine, the whole nine yards. 2)Sitting around we saw a crap-ass KFC commercial with Randy Quaid doing his hip-hop-talking cartoon Colonel Sanders bit, and the meal advertised chicken with "a whole posse of fries." Fries in a posse? We laughed for minutes, then got hungry and wanted KFC, but had a short turnaround time before "The Ali G Show" came on. We rushed out of the house for a bus to the KFC, and got back JUST IN TIME for the show.
5. Do you like Christmas or does the mere thought of that holiday fill you with dread?
I like Christmas. I don't like a lot of the stupid shit around Christmas, but I like the holiday a lot. But in recent years I've come to like a more old-school, religious-like Christmas. Still, the cartoons and stuff are nice, and it's a time full of wonder for me.