Feb 10, 2007 09:05
Saturday morning is about the only thing I hate about my job. I have to be on call in the morning. Which means I have to wake up super early and make sure that I contact the customers if their installs are being rescheduled. Weather is a big impactor. Right now my insallers are complaining that it is too cold outside. I had to reschedule Monday-Wednesday's installs. Now for those who are not up to speed I am a Project Coordinator for Empire Today (yes the carpet people!) My job is to handle from begining to end the ordering, scheduling, and troubleshooting of all siding and gutter orders. I get so many angry customers. Anyho. I schedule gutter installs for Saturday, but I am not in the office. The company is so kind to give me a company cell phone which my installers call me on all of the time. I have to make sure everything is copasetic for the installs even on Saturdays. I had to call a man this morning because the installer I had scheduled for today had an accident and now the installer can not do his job today. It's very interesting. I used to hate my job and sometimes the stress does get to me, but I really love the people I work with and I love my boss.
So my plans for today. I am going to the gym. Then to Big Lots to get a few things. Finally I am hitting the mall for some well deserved shopping. I didn't get the birthday presents yesterday so I need to get those. What should I do. I have a $100 gift card to Bannana Republic, $65 to JC Penny, and $50 to Macy's. Should I spend it all now on clothes that fit now or save it for when I finally do lose weight again. Maybe I'll spend half so I have something to look forward to.
I had to go downstairs to feed my pets. My two indoor cats will beg for food in the morning even if they have a whole bowl. My outside cat is already up and wondering around. It's been really cold so most night's I've kept him in the house. I brought him in last night for a while but he meowed to go outside and just took off. For those who don't know I also have a Rat named Anubis. Don't laugh. Rats are awesome pets. They are very clean and gentle. Mine is so big now. When we got him he was the size of a little mouse. Now he is bigger than a kitten. I know when I got Abigail she was smaller than Anubis.
Well I am just finishing up my morning. Had a few cups of coffee. Hitting the gym shortly then off to the mall!