May 16, 2008 23:06

RE-EDITED (sat) - added in cuts since the entry became really long.

back from my level camp!
5 days and 4 nights at kota tinggi, malaysia.
relieved to be home again and not sleeping in a sleeping bag on hard floors.
but feeling quite sad and missing my instructors dearly - syafiq, girlyman/pinwen, esp sheemun the mun, handsome ahmad, and sexy bobby/ wenjie D: my class got really attached to sheemub, ahmad and bobby D:D:D:
sigh, probably wont ever see them again D:
that saddens me.
shall continue this post with details of how i spent my time at the level camp.

precamp thoughts:
i thought it would be hell, since the showers had no doors.
eventually persuaded myself to remain positive and optimistic throughout the entire camp even as the going gets tough.
the tough has to continue to get going anyway.

postcamp thoughts:
the camp was really fun and rewarding.
touched by all the helping hands offered to me during the expeditions, esp hannah's one to help me across the nasty bridge. sorry i squeezed the hell out of it :D
really touched by all the words of encouragement, comfort and jokes that pulled me through the toughness of each day.
for that i love you all, 4falala, sheemun, handsome ahmad, sexybobby/ wenjie, weiquan, mrs phua and teachers and friends :D:D 
thank you for being a part of this experience that will forever and ever and ever stay in my heart and mind :D

day 1:
got to school early!
yep, it was still dark when i reached the gathering point.

was beginning to regret paying 80 bucks to go to the camp after looking at my instructors.
sheemun and ahmad, they looked kinda boring.... and yep, fierce.
pretty much assumed they would be the scolding follow rule book kinda ppl.

bus ride to the local customs was fun.
snoozing and singing songs along the way.
one of the instructors wanted to see which bus was behind us, then he decided to sit with us since there was an empty seat between me and keni. he decided to show his ugly old phone to us telling us it had alot of games. seewei then told him psps were better. then he wooped his out with a giant smirk on his face. i wanted to play cook mama, but that was on dslite and he didnt have one D: didnt know his name so wanted to call him hotness, the name was rejected.so i  forced sexy upon him, rejected too. then decided sexybobby would be best. so wenjie became sexybobby for the rest of the camp :D
turned out to be our a section i/c later :D
finished at the local customs, was waiting for the bus, then named ahmad handsome. so ahmad became handsome ahmad for the rest of the camp.

snoozed away the entire journey to kota tinggi from the msian customs.
got to camp site, checked into chalet. draka got chalet on first day.
got to know our camp instructor for my group as sheemun, wanted to call her sheman but was rejected so i stuck with sheemun since it was pretty unique. haa.

main activity of the day was expedition to pelapah waterfalls.
tough, quite physically demanding, sandy and muddy.
but i was lucky not to get any leeches on me, maybe because i spammed insect repellent on me :D
yay to repellent, a total lifesaver.
once in the journey, was crossing the slippery rocks. my legs were too short to cross to the other rock, decided to use the rock infront as a stepping stone, but slipped and fell flat on it. ended up with a cleavage whammy, the rock was slightly pointed right smack in the middle.
was fun, really appreciated all the helping hands hannah, keni, the instructors and many others offered me to help me across the rocks. it is the little things that make the experience so heart warming.
named our group KAWAN. 
group 2 was kawan, which belonged to the elves which made up DRAKA with the throlls.

erm there was a night walk later.
keni said i walked really fast reaching soon after she did (we had to walk alone)
found out today that only draka did it since the teachers thought it was a waste of time.
haa, i said hello to all the instructors who were along certain points making sure we stayed on track just to make sure they were humans. the plants were beginning to look like humans in the dark. creepy.
sat at the end point waitng for the others to arrive. weijie notice the moon made a halo in the sky with its light, really pretty, coupled with the stars.

decided to sleep in the sleeping bag despite the chalet having beds for a couple of us. 
didnt have the habit of sharing my sleeping space with ppl.

day 2:
woke up on time. packed up and got ready to move to tentages.
strained my neck the previous night sleeping without a pillow. couldnt turn left, had to trun by my waist.

the main activity of the day was kayaking!
was looking forward ot this activity since we were going to get really wet and it was my first time kayaking :D
hee. keni took the front, me in the middle and sean at the back.
paddled like mad, but our kayak kept turning on its own, we cant paddle straight.
really tiring but fun!
we had dinner there then headed down the river again in a motorboat to see the fireflies :D
really pretty. fell asleep for a bit of the ride from all the fatigue. the uncle gave me one of the flies he caught.
they are really tiny. cant really feel them, but thier fluttering of wings are just a tiny bit ticklish. really adorable.
had a lot of fun holding the flies in my hand!

returned back to camp later.
i and hannah rushed to the showers, found out those with the squat toilet came with a showerhead AND A DOOR.
kopped it and took a quick shower. the smell was getting to me.

later, my arms were really aching alot, the discomfort kept increasing after the firefly cruise.
couldnt sleep later cos my arms were really tired, couldnt feel them anymore.
decided to go to the medical centre for muscle rub cream since hannah wasnt there to give me hers and the soreness was getting really bad, couldnt lift my arms anymore.
ended up in tears cos it was really uncomfortable.
camp cheif weiquan was there so he gave me a muscle rub. hurt quite a bit duirng the process, he was pressing really hard on all my sore arm muscles. was advised to skip the mountian climb if the discomfort didnt go away by next morning. sheemun was there too :D rach accompanied me there too. mrs phua popped by and told me now pain nevermind, cos my muscles will become strong -.- then i can help collect chem assignments with my strong arm muscles -.-
the rub really helped! the discomfort slowly wore off.

day 3:
arms muscles no longer jelly like anymore :D only left with soreness so that was good. meant i didnt have to skip the expedition.
the climb up mount panti or half of it was really tough, cos there were no concrete steps like in the parks. the steps we had were made by the mud, further defined by the roots. slippery at some points cos the mud was wet.
but nontheless it was still alot of fun!
the climb down was alot scarier. cos the steps became really steep, had to use the trees to stabilise.
but it was really rewarding.

we had to do field cooking there too at one point. eating out in the wilderness :D
maggi mee and baked beans and hot dogs. loved the hotdogs.
shirlene got a little sad. haha, handsome ahmad walked by and said i only told her about my girlfriend... we burst out laughing.
haha. handsome ahmad is so cool.

we had song and cheer session later in the night after dinner.
cameup with our section cheer for draka since we didnt have one.
really nice, bobby kept challenging us with childhood songs ahah.
he said he was a kidcentral kid, signed up with his bro's name since he surpassed the age limit.
super nice, couldnt feel the aches in my legs after that, everyone got so high :D
the instructors got alittle tooo gay. found out ahmad's signature hand action. hahaha :D
instructor aziz then said all the guys would turn gay after seven. hence the hilarious actions.
sang beautiful girl and breaking free from HSM, bobby came up with all the super cute actions!
got even higher after that. cheered really loud, camp cheif weiquan was nearby, then the entire draka cheered super loud for him. each group got a bonus gold coin! WOOHOO. love weiquan.

the whole session made me love draka evenmore.

day 4:
felt a little sad that it was the last day of activities... started to miss sheemun, ahmad and bobby.
the fourth day was pretty slack since all 3 main events were over :D
teamtanic was the first of the day, so that occupied the morning. 
came to be of little use since im from a music cca (BAND<3) so i dont know any special knots. 
well, the uniform group ppl tied up the barrels and bamboos into a nice litte raft.
it collapsed in the water later cos some of the knots cam loose when the rafters tried to get on board.
meanwhile, stayed on shore to cheer my classmates on :D was trying to lose my voice and make it sexy like keni's and hannah's but failed. i guess music cca ppl have good vocals and throats since we use our diaphragms to propel sound most of the time :D

later, we were given some time to prepare for campfire item as a class.
all of us came up with cute funny acions to go with the song. included the ahmad arm actions :D:D

mass games was next. 
filled the bombs with water from the lake.
wasted a couple trying to bomb sexybobby and the teachers.
one landed on ahmad pants and made him look like he peed his pants. hee :D

later we got some time to prepare for class item again.
rehearsed the perf a few times. came up with cute actions for the class song keni, hannah and i wrote :D
later decided to add on the everybody dance now cheer, the class came up with roti prata and chicken rice in honour of wayne's fave food item :D to add on to bobby's collection of everybody dance now :D

dinner was nice!
the instructors bbqed our dinner for us during our perf prep time :D
their bbq skills are good :D, nothing burnt or charred all nice and tasty!

the campfire came.
really nice, 4G's dance was OMGGG super hot.
i guess our class item went well :D
the perf ziyu's class did for him as farewell since he would be leaving for america was so touching :D

the campfire was really nice.

later we went to poolside for debrief, sheemun asked us to say something about what we felt about the entire experience. teared after saying mine, thought about all the little things that made each day so happy. like how hannah let me squeeze the life out of her hand when crossing the nasty swingy bridge. love you darling.

then went for mass debrief. 
really nice how bpbby ended it, good night sleep tight and miss me through the night.

then continued with group debreif since not everyone got to say thiers.

went back into chalet for the night.
our ceiling was leaking water from the chalet above.
feel grost out thinking back, since it came from the toilet in the guys' chalet above ours.
it flooded about half the room and wouldnt stop so we called sheemun and bobby.
they came really fast, and at 3 am in the night, they  got us out to shift rooms to our other class' ones.
felt kinda bad cos seewei and qianye went to sleep out side on the benches since there wasnt much room left in the chalet. IM SORRY D:

day 5:
last day. emoed the morning thinking it was the last day that i was going to see the instructors.
had to clean up campsite, our group got to pick up litter around the chalet area. SLACKEST :D cos the area was outside the first row of chalet up the the pool. and that was it :D:D
haha, we then sat down for debrief, sheemun shared with us her past experiences, outward bound sabah and stuffs. really insightful. liulaoshi came to take photos. MORE GROUP PHOTOS!
we saw bobby talking to another group so our group called out to him. he came later and joined us for photos!

then we gathered at the carpark to get ready to go. 
went around to getting autographs from the instructors and taking class photos :D
found out i was taking the bus back to school seperate from my class' bus D:D:
felt sad since it would be nice to seat the bus back with sheemun and ahmad. we also made bobby promise to seat with us too D:
gave sheemun a hug before i got up my bus. shook bobby's hand on the way out too D:
couldnt find ahmad so oh wells.

sat alone in the bus back since i was the only one from my class.
wanted to stay awake to see the surroundings since i missed it on the way there snoozing.
but fell asleep later. 
got through the customs and went to school.
was waiting for mommy to arrive since the bus got to school and hour earlier.
saw that bandroom was open so i went there to hangout in the aircon for abit.
wanted to prac but my corr was at repair and my file was at home D: left with oboe and no file so i gave up.

mommy came later, then we headed to ghim moh.
wanted to eat pasta but it was closed we reached half hour late.
ate chashaoshaorou fan and water crest soup :D yummy.
then went home, found out that while i was a way alot of ppl died.
disasters and tragedies in myanmmar and china. also found out my bro went into hospital for a severe heartburn a few days ago. he would be going for a scope today. ahah. through the mouth not the ass.
went home and found out it was a horrid experience for him. ahha. having a thick black tube stuck down his throat.

yupp so thats about it. i was still feeling sad, missing my instructors D:

i went for pasta for dinner since my sis and mom were craving for it. the lamb kebabs my bro had are a must try and the brodetto side my mom had was OMG, SHIOK.
yupp still alittle sad, suffering from MISS. missing instructors sulky syndrome.
found out riverisland is having sale. shall go tomorrow. get some retail therapy.
after walking on gravel and mud and sand for so many days, the concrete pavements fell like heaven these days. moreover, air conditioned shopping malls.

really enjoyed the camp, far more than i thought i would, me and my dear sexies are now closer than ever, so is the class. missing my instructors more than ever. hope i'll see them along the streets one day. haah. oh wells. 

thats all for now. tata.
might add in pics when i have more time.

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