Mar 01, 2006 12:23
Well, a whole lot has happened in the past 2 weeks so I will try to use the short version for everything...
I was sick with a sinus infection for like 5 days and could barely move without my head feeling like it was gunna explode (totally sucked monkey balls).
My dog gave birth to puppies! Her water broke in my bed at 12:30am last sunday, eeeeeeew!! So I moved her into her birthing room, then I actually missed her having her first puppy because I was more worried about cleaning my sheets. And the whole miracle of life bullshit is soooo disgusting, especially when dogs do it. They eat the placenta (sp?) and afterbirth and its just eeew. She ended up having 10 puppies (one died) over the course of 8 hours. So if anyone knows someone that wants an insanely cute basset hound/scottie puppy then let me know. I'm not letting my mom keep any of them this time, we already have too many dogs damnit!
Its not fair, I meet a perfect guy for me and he lives in freakin Kansas, that bastard!! Actually I met him over 2 years ago when he was visitng family here in Sac. But then we lost track of each other because we both were deployed to Iraq, blah blah. Well, he came to visit 2 weeks ago and I spent a lot of time with him and we just clicked. Now he's halfway across the country damnit!! I dont want to get into another long distance thing but he's actually going to fly me out to kansas soon to visit. But then in July he's moving even further away to Georgia. I know Army guys are usually bad for me but I'm doing it anyways. Horrible I know!!