Since the Rapunzel trailer came out last week I've seen the gamut of reactions to it: some people are genuinely excited to see the movie, some people aren't excited by the trailer but are withholding judgment until they see the film, and some people outright didn't like it for a variety of reasons - reasons they enumerate extensively but never really say if they'll go see it. My guess? Probs def. They just want to gripe.
And sometimes I can understand the criticism (the "like... FOREVER" was cheesy, but not a deal-breaker) and sometimes I have no idea what people really want (do they even know?). I am sure that it's someone else's project, they retain the rights to make changes, and it looks to me like a good movie. I don't think it'll be a game-changer - that ship sailed for Disney a long time ago (next Renaissance projected for 2020) - but overall Tangled promises to be a fun frolic.
All that said, the next few months will be rife with criticism and dissent (just like with PatF!). To prepare myself, I made some helpful .GIFs based on this little wonder:
Here's Flynn running fast. His expression is amazing, don't deny it.
Here's Flynn slowed down to match the original .GIF
And here's Rapunzel not giving a flying fuck.
(This one got deleted from TinyPic, probs for obscenity complaint. Nice.)
It's timeless message for all those who deal with wank on the Internet.
Use as necessary.