
Jun 19, 2009 22:49

Dunno why I've suddenly started posting here more than once a month...possibly it's the copious amount of free time I have (ha!) or the fact that I'm suffering from anxiety-induced insomnia (thanks research insecurities!).

All that aside, K the Wonderful loaned me a spinning wheel, and I've been utterly entranced by it. Loved working with the drop spindle, but my spinning dropped off (ha!) when the workload started to pile up and I was having a hard time getting the yarn I wanted out of it. This spinning wheel has sent me spiraling back into my fiber love--which is good, because I have piles of roving that need addressing (which will then turn into piles of yarn that need addressing...). The new wheel (which is really an older wheel, and which I've taken to calling Malificent in the most loving way possible) is a little persnickety, but K assures me that if I learn to work this one, I'll be good as gold on just about any other I try out.

Point is, I'm spinning again. Wish I could take pictures, but my camera is at school and I'm still sitting on houses for the week, so I'm up at home. Right now I'm working on a gray natural fiber thing that I want to ply with something red. I think the combination could be really delightful.

Next, I'll be spinning up some great white roving that K the Wonderful just sent over, and then dying it pink. I'm doing this because I promised my Grandma a pink lacy scarf for her birthday, then realized that I have no pink yarn. BUT I have this roving and I've wanted to try hand-dying for a while now. So that is what I will do, and will hopefully get pink yarn for $1 (cost of dye) instead of many many dollars.

Perhaps I will post pictures when I get them. I want to show off the wheel because it is super beautiful and old-fashioned looking.

Also, today was my Great-Grandma's funeral. R.I.P.
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