Next Semester

Apr 29, 2008 15:27

I might drop down dead from the strain.

Actually, it should be considerably easier than this semester, what with there only being two English classes on the menu, instead of five. XD

Classes are as follows:

ENGL 380 -- Women Writers (Virginia Woolf and Other Lesbian Writers--cross-listed with Women's Studies, so I can count it towards the minor).
ENGL 323 -- Studies in Medieval Lit (King Arthur with James Dean--I am so excited for this, even though it's a completely useless class).
GREK 101 -- Ancient Greek (thinking of picking up a classics minor, so this will help)
FLLT 316 -- CLassical Mythology (Classics minor, again)
FLLT 330 -- Roman Rulers and Rebels (again with the Classics minor...)

I am very excited about the whole thing. This should be marvellous.
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