With disk usage on my main fileserver hovering around 98% after a weekend
of recording and a week of editing, it was clearly time to Do Something.
And this particular something has been planned for a while.
About a week ago I thought to check, found the "etch-and-a-half" (2.6.24)
kernel, and installed it. It seems to completely fix the mysterious
hang-up on long writes that's been plaguing me for a year on 2.6.18, so I
was finally able to move the Debian mirror off the fileserver and onto the
gateway machine, where a 175GB partition has been waiting for just such an
With 100GB moved, the fileserver is down to 71%; the gateway stands at
68%. So I get to keep my 500GB disks for a while longer; hopefully until
1TB gets under $100.
Adding to the excitement, I found that my mirror hadn't actually been
updated since January sometime, when I cleverly renamed the administrative
user (because admin is taken now) without renaming its crontab. Oops.
All better now.
I've also put in some work on the
Gique website.