Exactly one month from now I'll be eating breakfast in the
Warner Center Marriott, getting ready for my Toastmaster gig at
ConChord 21. EEEEP!!
Went over to Joyce's last night for some practice; we worked on the three
songs in the tentative setlist that we hadn't worked on before: "Paper
Wings", "Millennium's Dawn", and "Quiet Victories". Also worked on "The
There's still a chance that Joyce won't make it down to ConChord. She
just got laid off last week (anyone -- especially a startup in the Bay
Area -- looking for a senior tech writer or documentation manager?) and is
currently dealing with some medical/mobility problems. So the setlist for
my concert Saturday night is still slightly up in the air. I need to
practice more of my repertoire than just the setlist, though, so that's
ok. I figure on running through about half the set plus a couple of other
songs every day.
It's not at all clear whether I'll be able to get a single of
QV put together in time
for the con.