Aug 03, 2008 11:36
For a couple of weeks now I've been getting even less done than usual on
all the various projects I've been working on. As little as six months
ago I'd had hopes that I'd have most of the work done for my next album by
now; I'll be lucky to get the first one or two scratch tracks done today.
There are organizing projects and carpentry projects scattered all over
the house; software projects and writing projects and web projects
scattered all over three filesystems.
Last night I realized how much more of my time is going into my improved
relationship with Colleen, staying in touch with the Wolfling, and even
chatting with the Younger Daughter, who is rapidly transforming herself
from a child into a young woman. Have I mentioned that I don't multitask
well? Not too surprising, then.
It's a good trade-off. I'll take it.
Meanwhile, though, I have a tendency to stare at my lengthening to-do
list and feel paralyzed and powerless, rather than pick an item -- any
item -- and damned well just do it.