Jan 04, 2008 08:47
There was a brief power glitch this morning; the Bay Area is in the middle
of what's predicted to be a three- or four-day storm. UPSs carried the
household servers and my workstation through it with no problems, but I
need to make sure the kids have UPSs. The recording box is on a
UPS but seems to have croaked anyway -- I see a trip to Fry's in my
immediate future.
The chumby simply turned off and had to be restarted using its power
button, making it clearly unsuitable for use as an alarm clock (though
there's almost certainly an auto-restart hardware hack for it). I need a
UPS for the CPAP, too. Last thing I need is to wake up in the middle of
the night with a dead facehugger gripping my nose.
Oddly, I've noticed that some (all?) LCD monitors turn themselves on after
a power glitch even if they'd been turned off.
10:00 Terrific. The most recent power glitch seems to have knocked out my DSL connection. The old connection, which I never got around to getting rid of (because I'm still using it for email), is still working, but it's slow and just barely usable. Knew I should have bought into the Meraki mesh network...
11:20 Dumb bear. The recording box died because it was plugged into the surge protector side of the UPS, not the "surge protector + battery" side. Figures. There was stuff blocking my view of the labels, but still...