Travels with Ruby: Loscon so far

Nov 24, 2007 19:58

It occurs to me that my last Loscon post was Thursday, so I have a bit of catching up to do. Fortunately it's been mostly concerts and conversations so far, so there isn't as much to report as might be.

AJA and Dr. Jim Robinson both gave concerts yesterday -- that was good. Dinner with selenesue in the "good restaurant". Some open filking that started breaking up around midnight; I went up to the parties and finally got in about 1:30. Slept well.

Side note on the facehugger -- I seem to be getting used to it. I'm still having some trouble getting the mask tight enough so that it doesn't leak, and a little trouble getting to sleep. But by the time morning comes around I sometimes have to check to see whether I'm still wearing it, the way I do with my glasses sometimes. I can live with this. Ordered a CPAP pillow, which is back-ordered and should be back in stock later next week.

My concert (with the chaoswolf on drum and backup vocals) was today at 2:00, and seemed to go very well indeed. Smallish audience, but I think my performance was better than usual. Three weeks of practicing every couple of days with the Wolfling seemed to help. Got a decent recording with the H2. I think the drum came out too loud; we'll probably have to skip it when it's just two of us, and drop down to something quieter like shaker.

I'll post the set list later; for now, I'll just note the shortnames: cicero bugs rosie tool rrprayer barratry stuff bigger. Obviously I need a script that conses up an Emacs abbrev file, or something.

I'm no good at reporting conversations. I'll just note a good talk around dinner with mysticfig, mostly about CD production, and a couple of nice chats during soundchecks with Moira Stern.

Right now I'm avoiding the "Banned from Argo" sing; I'll probably go down in half an hour or so. The flower_cat is napping; she -- and a lot of other people -- seem to be suffering from an excess of air conditioning. Doesn't seem cold to me, but...

2007, loscon, filk, concerts, travel, facehugger

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