Travels with Ruby: Packed

Nov 22, 2007 07:38

We're all packed for Loscon -- the flower_cat and chaoswolf are out getting bagels and lox for breakfast. It works out to about 3 items per person -- quite a large pile, but not really all that much. For the first time, the collection includes a rollycrate with my facehugger and my favorite pillow. I wasted an hour yesterday trying to find a good CPAP pillow, but there doesn't seem to be a local source. The one I have is a memory-foam neck pillow -- it has a sharp drop-off on the side so that I can hang the facehugger over the edge while the foam keeps my head relatively stable. It works quite well, but it's too big for travel unless we're driving. I may resort to tracking down one of the others we have around the house, and cutting a chunk off the side. What I'd really like is an inflatable.

Concert early Saturday afternoon. The chaoswolf and I have been practicing for the last two weeks; we both needed it. We'll have to practice more regularly from now on.

2007, loscon, facehugger

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