... since it was installed. We're in the process of having the kitchen
and living room professionally cleaned -- the cleaners are the parents of
one of
super_star_girl's new friends from school. The results
are impressive -- they even knew what paint to use to touch up the drip
pan around the large burner that always gets hot enough to crack the
enamel on a KitchenAid cooktop. They'll be finishing up the living room
today, and will be coming in twice a month.
I've often suspected that the reason Mom kept her house so neat was she
didn't want the housekeeper to see how messy it had become since her last
visit. In our case, I didn't want them wasting their time merely tidying
Meanwhile, the kids are working on their rooms, with various
kinds of assistance. To be honest, I don't really want to know
what deals they've made, with which entities, or what they dipped the pen
in to sign the contracts.