Done Since 2022-01-16

Jan 23, 2022 14:31

Last week went by rather quickly -- I don't think it quite registered. Much of my headspace was taken up by and related work in MakeStuff. I even got into flow a couple of times, which is always good. By the second one I had developed a workflow that's pretty painless, and probably about the best I can do given the need for select-and-paste from email and Google Photos. Which in turn is probably the best we can do given that Naomi is off in Africa with only her phone to work on.
I spent most of the rest of the week reading about various WordPress plugins and best practices. Or "as good as you can get" practices, given that WP is a monstrosity written in PHP.
Colleen's mother died 21 years ago Thursday, so it probably wasn't the best week for me re-reading the little fantasy afterlife piece I wrote for Colleen's memorial page; I fell apart slightly. That's okay, actually, though I'm having difficulty expressing exactly why it's okay. Maybe it's because grief is one of the few emotions I can recognize reliably.
Top link, under Friday, is how to make a high-performance air filter out of a box fan and four or five furnace filters. (A tip of the hat to siderea for that one.)

Notes & links: 0116Su * up 5ish; S=5:46; @ 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption and tsunami - Wikipedia Volcanic Eruption May Be Biggest Ever Seen From Space - YouTube via C' including a good view of the pressure wave. How the Tonga volcano generated a shock wave around the world - Wash.Post @ Wasp 3D-prints eco-homes from local raw earth for $1K - YouTube 3D printers for sale online | WASP * nearly 6pm, got images downloaded and trimmed for Tuesday GS post. About 3h. : have to open each image and use "Save Image As" on context (M3) menu. True of GPhotos in particular -- there's no drag-and-drop or download menu : apparently Teri Lee died 12/31 & sign up for a 15min concert at FK-No, in early April. 0117Mo MLK day * up 7ish; S=8:07; : Propane truck was here when I got back from taking c to work * GS: insert images in "Tenderness in Warthogs". Went very smoothly (because I didn't need to do anything besides scale) * Singing: For Amy @ 5 Reasons to Turn On Android's Developer Mode * GS: add image alt text. * Pay AMEX, Molly % nearly forgot -- remember to copy recurring items into!! * */15 CPAP: change paper filter * */15 pay AX cards, Molly * Singing: Eyes Like the Morning. The breaks are mostly getting smoother, and I can sing the last chorus without breaking up. Says something; not sure what. * charge Molly * finish bottle of Suntory Roku gin (0117) * Laundry % 11:15 having a lot of trouble getting motivated. $ pay propane bill -> do I have auto-pay??? 0118Tu * litter boxen * up 7am (alarm); S=6:50; * */15 CPAP: wash tub @ Covid-19: Peak of viral shedding is later with omicron variant, Japanese data suggest | The BMJ Not good news @ Does COVID-19 vaccination have a protective effect against Long COVID? Answer: YES. Good news. * GS: post "Tenderness in Warthogs". Flanders & Swann as music for signal boost * sort recycing. leave instructions for c; arrange for pickup by L' on Friday * bagels: 2 salt, 4 plain. Lox. * head back to RS late morning * post: what should I use for my taxes 0119We * up 5:30ish; S=6:32; % took me ~half an hour to sit up -- just the donwannas % earworm: The Highwayman (Phil Ochs version) : The turtle stuffie wants to be called Mandy now--I must have heard it wrong earlier * propane bill(s) arrived in email. I should have checked to see whether I have auto-pay turned on. % stiffness, lower back pain after sitting in bed before getting up. * guitar: bad guys * insert images into GS: Paying Calls (first cut, anyway) & some Makefile work as well. @ - Free at-home COVID-19 tests % some pain on my left side; my guess is that it's a muscle, but took aspirin anyway. % meloxicam and Tums ~10:15 0120Th Colleen's mom died Jan. 20, 1999, 21 years ago today * Up 5:45ish; S=6:01, BP=121/82, P=61; * Walk: West 2 blocks to the corner across from the park and back @ Men Are Creating AI Girlfriends and Then Verbally Abusing Them * USB AB cable arrived, so now I can use the webcam on the Dell monitor. "touch up my appearance" doesn't appear to do anything at all. But even on demos I can't see a difference most of the time, so maybe it's just me. % where did the day go?? (Mostly into reading about WP plugins. Instead of installing them.) Cross-posting and email are what I need most right now. 0121Fr & awake 4:25; S=4:47; % lower back (left this time) - Supreme Court worries, so I may not get back to sleep * up 8ish; S=7:16; @ Was Cosmic Inflation the 'Bang' of the Big Bang? - A. Guth (via Sigma Xi email) @ siderea | Ventilation [COVID-19, eng, Patreon] * GS: post Trip Diary: Paying Calls - % got into a flow state and missed breakfast (except for a brownie). But done. @ Why longtermism is the world’s most dangerous secular credo | Aeon Essays * payment for S's mailbox due @ You can get free N95 masks next week-here's where to find them @ On-Page SEO: The Definitive Guide (2022) with lots of good info We Analyzed 11.8 Million Google Search Results. Here’s What We Learned About SEO What are Backlinks? And How to Build Them in 2021 : mail from G' asking if I would give her a reference -- she's applying to an RN program. Told her about Colleen. ! started falling apart reading her memorial page. Wasn't expecting that. Probably should have been. @ siderea | Ventilation [COVID-19, eng, Patreon] Could a Janky, Jury-Rigged Air Purifier Help Fight Covid-19? | WIRED DIY box fan air filters - Corsi-Rosenthal box - Clean Air Crew How to Improve the Efficiency of the "Box Fan and MERV 13 Filter" Filters for Box Fan and MERV 13 Filters Air Cleaner - Tex-Air Filters % meloxicam (lower back, left side again. And on the right side of my neck) 0122Sa * litter boxen & awake 1:15; intense itching at base of spine. can't find anything to put on it -> down 3am * up 9:30(!); S=9:25; * mail for c in backpack * Download text and photos for next GS post & fired up Starlight and updated both Ubuntu and Windows 8.1 * after arrival: ~ water orchids * sort mail -> the card I sent E for New Year got returned - no address. GAAK

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grieving, links, done

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