Done Since 2022-01-09

Jan 16, 2022 11:58

Not a bad week. Nothing disastrous happened (to me -- things weren't so good in Tonga yesterday), and I actually got a few things done. And tried to figure out what I did last year. (I'm sure I forgot some things -- I've been having a little more trouble than usual with my memory the last few days.)
I shipped $writing-gig-6 without doing much more on it -- I suspect that the reason I got stuck was that I couldn't think of anything I needed to add. Or maybe I was just lazy -- hard to tell.
Most of my headspace during the last week was taken up by Going Sideways. Naomi has been doing all the writing so far (I'll take a turn eventually) and taking the photos, and I've been getting the text and photos into WordPress and posting them (posts go up Tuesday and Friday). I expect that to get easier eventually, but for now browbeating WordPress into doing what I need it to has been an ongoing problem. Browbeating as in beating my brow against the keyboard.
It has gotten easier since I've switched to the block editor. WPBakery, the WYSIWYG page builder used by our web designer to construct the site, is an ongoing nightmare. Fortunately I can mostly avoid it now, at least for post content. At this point the main problem is images. I never did get the hang of images.
Tuesday I was reminded by a blog post that broken-heart syndrome is a thing. Not my thing yet, and hopefully not ever. I was, however, fascinated by the official name for it, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Takotsubo is Japanese for octopus trap.

Notes & links: 0109Su * up 7ish; S=7:41; shower @ Remarkably, NASA has completed deployment of the Webb space telescope | Ars * watching c make scones. Dead easy. @ Why We Should All Consider A More Bohemian Lifestyle Bohemian Manifesto: A Field Guide to Living on the Edge (New Edition) - Kindle * SL: Kraken or Captain Morgan's rum. * GS: fix paragraph spacing -> hopefully. I don't like the way "convert to blocks" generates HTML. Maybe pasting directly into the block editor will fix that. -> yes * copy mm/audio to sable from nova. Weirdly, there was another copy of books embedded in it. Weird thing is they appear to be in sync! Did an fsck of /vv to be sure. very strange. Probably an rsync command-line blunder, but... 0110Mo * litter boxen & Awake 4:30; down 5:30 * up 7:00; S=6:36; @ Clinical evidence that the pandemic from 1889 to 1891 commonly called the Russian flu might have been an earlier coronavirus pandemic - Brüssow - 2021 - Microbial Biotechnology - Wiley Online Library * finish copying mm/audio to Sable after fixing another rsync blunder. Most of the lower-case directories were missed because I stopped it while copying books/ * 15min: dishes * 15min: retrieve glassware out of garage: small tumbler, three snifters. -> the breaker for the wall sockets had been tripped when I got there. * test screen sharing in Zoom -> works. Can select screen or program. . post: last year's actual accomplishments -> started @ Signal >> Blog >> New year, new CEO @ Yuja Wang, Danzon n° 2, Arturo Marquez Yuja Wang: Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue [HD] - YouTube Yuja Wang - Tea For Two @ Traction Cleats For Ice and Snow, Body Warmers | Yaktrax * pack: silk/cashmere shawl 0111Tu & Awake 3:30; down: 4:45 * up 6:30ish; S=6:33; * 10am support group * draft next GS post. : for next time: scale images: mkdir scaled; for i in *.jpg; do convert -resize 50% $i scaled/$i; trimage -f $i; done $ R/E (Recording Equipment) $99 on HX to MF for used AKG Lyra mic (for zoom, etc.) * take scooter out of Molly; put in garage. No space in the house. : l ../2021/*/*|grep -v -e thankful -e rabbit -e done-since|wc #count non-periodic posts % 10pm meloxicam, fiber gummies with pm meds * laundry * FB, TW posts @ post: last year's actual accomplishments -> posted mdlbear | River: What the heck have I done? * TIL: Broken Heart Syndrome is a thing @ Why Broken-heart syndrome is on the rise | Takotsubo cardiomyopathy - Wikipedia 0112We % Awake 3ish; down 4ish * up 7:30; S=6:27; * Guitar: Wildwood Flower, Bad Guys @ Google makes the perfect case for why you shouldn't use Chrome - TechRepublic * leave for RS mid-to-late morning : G got himself an X230; brought down the base that I'm not using. * bagels: 2 salt, 4 plain * GS: start Friday's post from email. s/velvet/vervet/ monkey `make entry DD=14...` % 2-3pm somewhat out of it. - editing images after uploading to wordpress appears to be impossible no matter what they say you can do. Open in gimp, overwrite the file, and replace the uploaded image. Or, better, do all your editing before uploading. % meloxicam 0113Th & awake 4ish; read Breakup by Elva Birch. now 5:10 -- down 5:45 * up 7am(alarm); S=6:10; * guitar: Millennium's Dawn (intro and verse), something else -- Bad Guys? @ Trick Out Your Terminal in 10 Minutes or Less | by Anne Bonner Mac-centric but some of the other suggestions are portable. iTerm2 - macOS Terminal Replacement @ 16 Beautiful Math Movies That Everyone Should Watch at Least Once in Their Life * sent $writing-gig-6 off to $editor. I'm not happy with it. As usual. * GS: started working on the next+1 post for It'll post Tuesday. % 2:15 fiber cookies * GS: created hippo birdie postcard post for N. WP is a nightmare, but I did it @ PSE | Charging with Up & Go Electric needs an app, of course. only 3 public chargers so far, so no hurry signing up * guitar - just a little noodling % meloxicam 0114Fr * up 6:45; S=6:18, BP=120/79, P=65; * post Trip Diary: Crocodiles and Rhinos - and Postcard: Birthday * signal boosted on FB, TW, DW : E' coming at 10, not 9:30 * add image from N via Signal to bday postcard @ In bad news for US cloud services, Austrian website’s use of Google Analytics found to breach GDPR | TechCrunch @ WordPress Jetpack Review - Should You Be Using It? (2022) @ Home · BinaryMoon/wp-toolbelt Wiki Jetpack alternative @ Website analytics without compromise - Fathom Google analytics alternative * GS: text for the next 3 posts down/up-loaded. Images will take a while longer. @ - Free at-home COVID-19 tests starting 0119We. % meloxicam 0115Sa * up 7:10; S=6:35; @ Breakfast Without Borders @ The forgotten medieval habit of 'two sleeps' - BBC Future * before leaving RS collect: night guard, drugs, CPAP (leave humidifier tub); Sable @ Seattle students planning sickout over COVID-19 precautions in schools | TheHill @ net.wars: The visible computer @sbisson * before leaving RE collect: x night guard, x drugs, CPAP (leave humidifier tub) * on the way up, check S's mailbox -> one item, from SSA : Tsunami advisory!! underwater volcano near Tonga. no apparent effect on ferry but apparently runnung ~30min behind anyway; also 1-boat schedule. also fog. o after arrival: o water orchids * sort mail * make a payment or do other paperwork -> $250 to kids via WU * mail for c in backpack. % and left my meds and bite guard down at RS. :P % was thinking just this morning that I probably don't need my weekend checklist any more -- wrong, apparently. Fortunately this is where I refill them. Should keep the spares in my suitcase. @ Natural Hazards of Whidbey Island * mail for S to be forwarded & see whether Colleen's DenTek bite guard kit will work for me -> appears to have. % and stupidly took my AM meds instead of PM. Took those too; only thing that might be a little problematic would be the antidepressants -- should have taken those out -> skip them tomorrow

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blogging, links, #count, done

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