Done Since 2021-11-28

Dec 05, 2021 15:17

It's been a week. I guess. Current earworm is Phil Ochs' version of "The Highwayman", because it came up in #filkhaven. I'm not sure what that particular earworm says about me. If anything.
It being Hanukkah, there has been fried food in moderate abundance, including latkes and jelly donuts. The pan-fried red snapper I made last night counts, too.
A large sea turtle stuffy was waiting for me on my chair when I got up Wednesday. She's rather awkward to sleep with, but will probably make a good back rest, and is definitely huggable. So my main Seattle sleep stuffy (alliteration intentional) is still Colleen's platypus.
Links: (Sunday) According to this Psychology Today article one can regard depression, and trauma as different aspects of the same disorder (and treat them all with a flavor of CBT called Unified Protocol), so apparently it doesn't really matter what my "anxiety attacks" really are. (Tuesday) Alcohol consumption tends to raise HDL levels. Mine have alwas been marginally low. Guess I'll go pour myself another glass of gin. As if I need an excuse.
Also from Sunday, "6 Signs You Are Anxious and Don’t Know It" in Psychology Today really has very little to do with anxiety, and appears to be trying to link chronic pain with alexithymia. Take that one with a pound or two of salt.

Notes & links: 1128Su Hannukah (first night) * litter boxen * up 6am; S=7:07, BP=123/72, P=65, W=203.2; shower @ Study: How Conservative Think Tanks are Destroying the Planet - Skepchick @ As Omicron Variant Circles the Globe, African Nations Face Blame and Bans - NYT @ The seven types of rest: I spent a week trying them all. | The Guardian * track down video camera unipod/walking stick (maybe for N's trip) -> got superglue on hand re-attaching the grommet * 15min: clean honey off bottom of honey/peanut butter/cereal cabinet * E wants a pink or purple garden tool set -> ordered: EAONE 105Pcs Gardening Tools Set ~ make a payment or do other paperwork -* finish (hopefully) $writing-gig-5 * track down video camera unipod/walking stick : latkes. From a mix; didn't hold together very well. But latkes. @ A New Way of Treating Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma as forms of Neuroticism Unified Protocol a form of CBT or DBT related to... @ 6 Signs You Are Anxious and Don’t Know It | Psychology Today actually about chronic pain and its relationship to emotions. -> 1. It is hard for you to name emotions. ?? 2. Your chronic pain or other health problems started during a time of stress or transition. -> I'm not sure chronic pain is a problem for me. Back?? -> 3. You do not share your emotional ups and downs with others. -> 4. You do not know what you need. -> 5. Your coping strategies are not healthy. ?? 6. You have unexplained pain problems. * naproxen, docusate pm 1128Mo & Awake 3:15ish; S=4:24; tried to get back to sleep; gave up 4ish; down 5:15 * up 6:15; S=5:52; = litter boxes 19.5" long. * before leaving RE collect: night guard, drugs, CPAP (leave humidifier tub) * Bagels: 4 salt, 2 everything, 1 cinnamon raisin. 6 plain * reschedule Molly's service -> Th 10am * 9:30ish Take c to work. Needs to be there at 10 * Mail $writing-gig-5 to $editor ! somewhat distressed/stressed/??? Not clear why. Shouldn't that be "accomplished"? $ C $120 to Heifer via PP -- they were having a double-match event. Because goat. % naproxen. My bite guard seems to have been left behind this week. Blarg. heat. % In our last zoom E said something about wanting the platypus; I realized a couple of days ago that it must be the last thing Colleen touched. so... no. not yet, anyway. The Lucky Star platypus that would have been Ame's is either with Chaos, or gone. 1130Tu & awake 3:45; S=4:43; down 5am ! the future terrifies me * up 7ish; S=6:33; : Google news on my phone turned up an article about the Foundation series, which included a summary of the first season. Not encouraging. @ Alcohol consumption tends to raise HDL levels (Wikipedia) " and moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. " $ C $100 via AX to MSF (Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières). Matched 1-1 * need to install pandoc on panther sudo apt install pandoc texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra nb: texlive-latex-recommended is a dependency of texlive ?? Not clear what's in the texlive packages or whether it's useful. Pulls in ruby. -> actually _none_ of the TeX related stuff is in Honu/Mathilda. Weird. -> maybe put the package lists for its dependencies in MakeStuff? % naproxen 1201We & awake 4:14; S=5:44; % tmj not hurting as much - dull ache ~1.5; down 5:15 : received an email from LJ... in Cyrillic, presumably Russian. WTF? Should change my password, I guess. * up 7:15ish; S=7:52; % the last hour or two were rather rough; multiple emotion attacks. Ugh. % Earworm: The Highwayman - Phil Ochs version -> It turns out there's a children's book: The Highway Rat : a large sea turtle was sitting on my desk chair when I came in this morning. No idea how she (he? Not sure how to tell) got there. I'm sure N had nothing to do with it. -> she -- the females are the ones who come ashore to lay eggs. Appears to be a Kemp's Ridley - about the right size and color. Very huggable. " Adults are generally a grayish-green color on top with a pale, yellowish bottom shell. The top shell (carapace) is often as wide as it is long. " % pain and swelling palmar side proximal (=base) phalanx of R. index finger -> diclofenac gel ~10am - 4x/day. @ 70 years ago, 'computer for business' LEO ran first biz app • The Register " Built for British catering and tea shop giant J Lyons, the Lyons Electronic Office, dubbed LEO, took inspiration from the Cambridge EDSAC " * out with N for troll photos and last-minute shopping. leather-bound blank book for G % 7:40pm diclofenac gel * 15min: dishes 9:25ish % naproxen with pm drugs, 9:40ish 1202Th * up 7:30; S=8:29; naproxen % no hand or jaw pain worth treating at this point ~ 10am Molly has an appointment at Bill Pierre's for tire rotation. -> wear even on front and back tires, so no rotation necessary -> want to consider new tires in another 5k miles or so. 40-45k : TIL: humans have stripes. They're often visible under UV. Cats can see UV. @ It's Okay To Be Smart • Humans have stripes and you just can’t see them ... Humans have stripes! You just can't see them. 'Humans Have Stripes' - Truth or Fiction? Blaschko's lines | Wikipedia @ Flatpak Is Not the Future (via LWN) 1203Fr * litter boxen (L') & up 5:30ish; S=6:55, BP=114/77, PO=59; $ C $3.10 via PP to Wikimedia Foundation * before leaving RS collect: night guard, drugs, CPAP (leave humidifier tub) * take suitcase out to Molly : (brother)Al is having surgery for back problems - ruptured disk -> fusion. EEEP! @ Jim Warren, Early Influencer in Personal Computing, Dies at 85 - NYT * 8:30 to catch 9:30 ferry. leave RS early in order to get c to work at 10am * SL: coffee, scrubbie sponges for RE (Payless after dropping c off) * Back on Whidbey: let N know that I'm home. . after arrival: ~ water orchids * sort mail % 6:40 my left thumb has been hurting much of the afternoon -> diclofenac gel 9:40pm * 15min: make mac + cheese for dinner. % naproxen with pm drugs, ~10pm 1204Sa * up 6ish; S=7:05; naproxen, fiber gummies % tmj problems * let c drive to work in Molly. Pick him up this evening; gets off 6 or 7. * need soap dish for lair * order filter for fridge $ contrib to Fallon via GoFundMe Listening to the benefit concert via the little JBL speaker that I got lord knows how long ago; possibly at a raffle. I think this may be the first time I've used it. : apparently missed my last AX platinum card payment. WTF? Due _yesterday_ :( I normally pay both cards together on the 15th, so not sure what happened there. . start bio for $GS About Us page * meet c at Payless after work; c drove home. * 15min: red snapper for dinner. Pan-fried with butter, dill, rosemary, and pepper : Al seems to be recovering quickly, thankfully. % diclofenac gel on the left thumb area

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links, done, #filkhaven, psych

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