I'm not too good at rating things, but I think it's safe for me to say
that this past year was even worse than the previous one, which I called
pretty awful
last Thanksgiving.
Looking back,...
ls ../2020/12/*thankf* ../2021/*/*thankf* | wc -l
... so I missed seven weeks, which is pretty poor compared to three last year
and four the year before. Well, given what was going on...
Today I am grateful for...
- As I said last year, getting through the first 11/12 of 2021.
- Colleen. 45 years was a pretty good run. Do I need to say anything
else? I don't think so.
- Being with her during her last hours, with thanks to N and Dr. Rangel
for making that possible.
- My extended family (our kids - R and E, and their respective partners;
the rest of the Rainbow Caravan - N, G, c, m, and j; plus my brother
and his kids and grandkids) being alive and in reasonably good health.
- V, Colleen's caregiver, and L', our housekeeper.
- Colleen's care teams at UW, WhidbeyHealth, Swedish, Prestige, Regency,
Whidbey Home Health, etc.
- My (remote) grief support group at The Healing Center.
- The household's excellent cats -- Desti and Ticia on Whidbey; and
Cricket, Bronx, and Brooklyn in Seattle.
- Vaccine. Three shots of Moderna. Can I have a shot of Glenlivet with
- Zoom and Discord.
- Again, Dreamwidth, and all of
you out there helping to keep me sane.
[Crossposted from
mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
comments. You can comment here,
or there with openID, but wouldn't you really rather be on Dreamwidth?]