I'm not sure what one can say about a week that started with Pi Day, the
start of Daylight Saving Time (in the US; there are the usual rumblings
about making it permanent, but I'll believe that if I see it this Fall),
and the start of income tax prep (all of the above on Sunday); continued
with Colleen's birthday and St. Patrick's Day; and ended with the
Northward Equinox.
Care-wise, it hasn't been an easy week, and the state of Colleen's health
is a large part of what I'm worried about these days (see mood). Also, my
coffee grinder appears to be failing.
Taxes are especially annoying because it seems the H&R Block program
(which I've been using since it was called TaxCut) will no longer run on
my ancient Mac Mini. The online version is harder to navigate (although I
suppose they might have "improved" the offline version to match), but less
expensive and at least it lets me upload last year's data file. We'll see
whether it lets me download this year's.
As for links,
Ysabetwordsmith's Notes for "Relationships of Substance and Depth"
led me down several very useful caregiving-relatedrabbit-holes,
by way of
caring.com uofmhealth.org, amd
myhealth.alberta.ca; Saturday for more.
Notes & links:
0314Su DST spring forward; Pi Day; * litter boxen
* Up 7ish; W=199.4, BP=117/74, p=52; shower
* cleaned coffee grinder. Not clear how much it helped
Island Time Coffee Company
New business perks up South Whidbey shelves | South Whidbey Record
The center is located at 1689 Main Street and is open Tuesday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. and Sunday and Monday by appointment.
" The Whidbey Island Angels Resource Center officially had its grand opening on
Monday. Buchanan is joined in the new space by two other like-minded organizations,
Oasis for Animals and WI Drive. "
/ major+++ cleanup, semiliquid, exploded in bathroom but before she could sit down;
/ 1200ml in bag
/ 11am (HH)Kim catheter change -> used existing supplies, so we'll need more next time
: mince pie.
* START TAXES -> very confusing/hard to navigate. Pain in the arse.
-> done with Schwab 1099R, maybe. Adding forms for multiple sources is a PITA
% tired; feeling slightly wrung-out.
/ Colleen said that she doesn't like the cake because the filling is _milk_ chocolate
guess I'll have to finish it myself
/ 700ml in bag -- seems to be leaking
% meloxicam 11:10; heat
& Awake 3am; S=3:50ish
/ 5:15ish major++ cleanup; catheter seems to be leaking
" If I get to be too much for you please put me in a nursing home "
only it's unlikely that we could afford it. In-home aid might be possible.
% don't know whether I'll be able to get back to sleep; in LR because Desti
% lower back, hips -> heat.
& 5:45 try going back to sleep
* */15 CPAP: change paper filter, wash tub */{1,15}
* up 8am; S=6:05, W=199.6;
Opinion | Yes, America, There Is (Some) Hope for the Environment - NYT
" Hope is not a license to relax. Hope is only a reminder not to give up. As bad as
things are, it is far too early to give up...
- Creatures we thought we’d lost forever still have a chance.
- Creatures we’ve never seen before keep turning up.
- Renewable energy is edging out fossil fuels.
- We have finally started to plan for what we can’t stop.
- Conservation nonprofits are winning in court.
- People are waking up. "
: Rite Aid is the place to order Desitin - $4 less than $A. Free shipping for 2 plus
something cheap. Or, like, walk in and buy some.
* writing: some work on $tutorial -- finally seem to be making some progress
* 15min: some time in the garage. R's folding chairs, the needlepoint tryptich
I suspect that "box 003" might also be 009, which isn't mine. I don't remember many
of the books in it. -> but there isn't a box 109 in the list
/ 600ml in bag; probably leaking some
0316Tu Colleen's birthday
& awake 1am; wished Colleen a happy birthday:
QOTD: "What are you doing up?" "Wishing you a happy birthday." *kiss* (posted)
-> bed 3:13
* up 8ish; S=7:29;
/ major+ cleanup, shower; 1200ml in bag
: E eligible for covid vaccine tomorrow.
* Called about colonoscopy coverage; should be covered as long as Medicare wasn't my
primary insurance, which they weren't. Anyway, Mom died of colon cancer.
Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions: -
Benjamin L. Corey tl;dr: tRump
& 15min: pay Surety Pest Control. Pleased with myself for doing this the day it arrived
% meloxicam 10:30ish
0317We St. Patrick's Day
& Awake 4:25;
* */15 pay AX card, Molly [after ss check]
* up 7:50ish; S=6:23;
Illegal Content and the Blockchain - Schneier on Security
Bitcoins, blockchains, and botnets--Akamai Security Intel + Threat Research Blog
/ major+++ cleanup (V)
* 1150ish (HH)Orlanda. Apparently Diane is no longer with HH; Kim is our new primary
(They asked for volunteers rather than lay off people; D had been wanting to reduce
her hours anyway for personal reasons. Very sudden.)
catheter leaking -> 38ccs
* 15min: define alias for jumpng to the right line in dg output:
= m () { local f=${1/:*/};local g=`sed -E s/^[^:]+://<<<$1`;less +${g/:*/} -j3 $f; }
$ stimulus payment arrived. Full amount for each of me and Colleen.
Best Secure Linux Distros for Enhanced Privacy & Security
/ 900ml in bag; no cleanup needed; sores open, painful, sticking to panties.
% meloxicam 11pm
* Up 5:45ish; S=6:26, BP=121/70, P=65;
% left shoulder p=4(?) -> heat
/ major+++ cleanup, very liquid; nothing in bag, so leaking; much less bleeding
& change sheets (except C's side bottom, which seems okay
% lower back/hip pain; acetaminophen 8am, next allowable 2pm
Cuisinart® Programmable Conical Burr Mill (CBM-18N) Parts & Accessories
-> only plastic parts; not the burrs.
/ 600ml in bag, not emptied. catheter flush.
Why we procrastinate on the tiniest of tasks - BBC Worklife
" small tasks can lead to a particularly pesky form of procrastination. [...] we
don’t procrastinate on them because they slip our mind; rather, we make a conscious
and intentional choice to put off something that might arouse doubt, insecurity,
fear or feelings of incompetence. "
* test mendfamily.com telemedicine setup on Sable for...
-> test supposedly went okay but mic not actually working. Checked - not zoom
* call 1:25-1:30 to set up for...
* 2pm C Dr. Juaire
-. bloodwork next week; call Whidbeyhealth for renal ultrasound
-* make new appointment in 3-4 months -> 0621 (they called)
* 15min: update Blackbird; install Honu, Mathilda, MakeStuff
-* plan is to put it in the garage so that I can search the shipment spreadsheet
-> slow, and there seem to be some glitches in Honu's setup
-> Honu install and apt-get-all together took ~1:40
/ major++ cleanup, very liquid; 600ml in bag, very cloudy
% meloxicam 10:20; heat
* Up 6:15; S=6:38, BP=113/68, P=58;
/ cyclobenzaprine for leg cramp 6:30am
The Costly, Painful, Lonely Burden of Care - The New York Times
" The U.S. health care system relies on and takes for granted the “invisible army” of
people - mostly women - who keep the system functioning by performing home care for
the many people who are “too well for the hospital” but “too sick for home,” as well
as for those on end-of-life care. "
/ 600ml in bag; major cleanup (V)
* getting $writing-project to show up in the browser turned out to be a deeper rabbit-
hole than I'd expected. Gradually getting the hang of
Hugo, however.
* 15min: take Blackbird and charger out to the garage.
Affordable Internet for All! Consumer Reports campaign: email to Congress
% meloxicam 10:50
/ 800ml in bag;
0320Sa Northward Equinox (2:37am PDT)
& Awake 3:50; S=4:44
* up 7:50ish; S=6:25;
/ 200ml in bag, not emptied
ysabetwordsmith | Notes for "Relationships of Substance and Depth" -> resources:
Caregiver Support and Resources Health Library | Michigan Medicine
Patient Care Handouts
2021 Wills and Estate Planning Study
A Guide to Advance Health Care Directives
The Best Online Will Services of 2021
Guide to Estate Planning.
Do Your Own Will (DYOW)
Aloe Care Health
Editor’s Pick for Best Emergency Response System for Caregivers
6 Indispensable Tech Tools for Family Caregivers)
* Rite Aid pickup for C (lasix) and S (the usual 7 items)
The Body Issue (N) spectacular photography
/ 7:25 having a hard time transfering out of wheelchair. Hard to listen to. cleanup
% very worried - she's become a lot weaker.
/ 400ml in bag, not emptied. flushed catheter
% don't remember taking meloxicam; grump
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mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
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