My penchant for leaving things to the last possible minute seems to be in
full force this month. There are things -- mostly things that require
making phone calls -- that have been hanging around for over a month. And
then there's practicing for Saturday's concert. So what do I do? Read,
mostly. DW and Discord and Slack (oh my!). And use the fact that Desti
spent much of the day in my lap as an excuse to read rather than write,
since it's hard to type with one hand stuck under a purring cat. And at
least I'm not doomscrolling.
However, here I am, writing a semi-random stream-of-consciousness blog
entry because I'm too lazy to actually think of something meaningful to
write about. It does seem to get worse as I grow older. Since I don't
have an actual job to structure my days around, I don't seem to
have the motivation to do much of anything. (I've done a little system
administration, but not very much. Puttering.)
My concert setlist has gradually been taking shape. When I ran through it
Monday, it was well over an hour and a half, so I'm obviously going to
have to do some cutting. That will have to include
QV, because I really
want to do
Millennium's Dawn and two 12-minute songs in a 55-minute concert
would be at least one too many. (I'm sure some you reading this might
think it's two too many, but...)
Looking over last year's stats I see quite a few filler posts, mostly on
Wednesdays. So that makes a good excuse, right?
NaBloPoMo stats:
5827 words in 12 posts this month (average 485/post)
286 words in 1 post today
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. You can comment here,
or there with openID, but wouldn't you really rather be on Dreamwidth?]