Well, it's the first of March. Where the fsck did February go? I was
going to do FAWM, but I didn't. Foo. I had a little less work to do this
morning; usually I have to split the week's log entries between the old
month (in a file called, for example 2020/02.done) and the
new one. I can put off starting 2020/03.done to next week,
not that it's terribly difficult; just one extra cut and paste. And a
git add, which I should automate. Hmm. *hack, hack*
Did automate.
Tuesday I
about The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis,
which I finished reading Wednesday. Turns out there's an associated
Global Optimism -- the
subtitle, or what would be the subtitle if they hadn't crammed it all into
the page title, is "From pessimism to optimism - Global Optimism exists to
precipitate a transformation from pessimism to optimism as a method of
creating social and environmental change." I just found that today, so
I'll probably have more for you in a couple of days. Meanwhile, just go
read the book.
In the shorter term, we have a incipient pandemic to worry about.
Recently @siderea has been running a series of posts under the
coronavirus2020 tag. Like The Future We Choose, this is
absolutely a must-read-now. Start with
Preparing for the
Pandemic: Stage 0. It connects at its
downwhen terminus
with an earlier series,
For the foodies reading this list, I offer you a list of
Antidepressant foods --
44 foods that boost mental health (you'll find the raw table under
the cut, on Wednesday). The top meat and vegetable, oysters and
watercress respectively, are among Colleen's favorites. I'd also like to
point you at
Much Cooking" by Naomi Kritzer, linked from @siderea's
most recent post.
(Content warning: it's in the form of a fictional food blog set during a
pandemic. But recipes.)
Notes & links:
0223Su * litter boxen
* up 6am; S=7:18; shower,
% headache and back pain mostly on right -> heat
* 9am The Speak English Online, Get Paid Summit (noon ET)
#noprojects - A Culture of Continuous Value
Ipswich Realise Futures cafe launches new scheme to combat loneliness in Suffolk (
101 self-care ideas (
Download Over 150,000 Animal and Botanical Illustrations for Free (
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Biodiversity Heritage Library | Flickr
55 Simple Dinners for When You’re Feeling Stressed I Taste of Home (
* import CPAP data. Really ought to set up better automation.
@ KUOW -
How to pour pop culture into a teacup: Seattle shop matches taste with fans f(G)
* brunch with C and L at Charmers
Drive afterward -- from Double Bluff Rd up by the back way to Greenbank
* SL: distilled water
* Copied check-pwds to gist:
Check a file of passwords for leakage using the "range" API at HIBP.
* singing: Daddy's World, World Inside the Crystal; We'll Go No More a-Roving, Wheelin'
& Awake 4am; ; back to bed ~6ish
/ C hasn't slept, has been up several times.
* up 7am; S=5:46;
$ transfer 600 from HX to checking. No longer making periodic transfers the other way;
another 600 will cancel out the year's worth.
* created @flower_cat on DW for Colleen.
* created Honu and MakeStuff on GitLab -- unlike GitHub, this can be done with push:
for f in Honu MakeStuff; do
git -C $f push --set-upstream git@gitlab.com:ssavitzky/$f.git master
git -C $f remote add gitlab git@gitlab.com:ssavitzky/$f.git; done
* Elfa order - last possible day. household acct. Didn't order freestanding stuff;
that would have been $180 or so.
* 5pm singing with N' - new package - Daddy's World
* SL: pantsu, wipes, CR2032,
* 9ish drugs + meloxicam
% 10:39 falling asleep,
* up 6:30ish; S=5:23;
/ call from Janet at Freeland Clinic -- MACC wanted to know if there had been any
changes to the size/type of catheter C is using.
International Living Bookstore - Speak English and Get Paid: Your Guide to
Teaching English Overseas for Fun and Profit $269 apparently recorded, not
real-time, which solves the scheduling question.
The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis: Christiana Figueres, Tom
Rivett-Carnac -> purchased (kindle)
Former UN Climate Chief Calls For Civil Disobedience
" Historically, systemic political shifts have required civil disobedience on a
significant scale. Few have occurred without it. "
* box room mirror to R of door (just L of light switch). used a 50-lb hook -- not that
heavy, but it has a deeper throat,
* brought stepladder down to garage.
: The door opener may be totally broken; the chain is still on the sprocket
: C finally got called back with an appointment around 4
& awake somewhere between 3 and 5 when C got up for a bathroom run; seemed to take a
long time to get back to sleep
* up 6:06; S=;
* 7:30a PT -- first appointment -- see (and take) envelope
-> 20 minutes on TENS (did breathing exercise; not bored, which I had expected), some
soft tissue work, three exercises (hook-lying single knee to chest stretch, supine
figure 4 piriformis stretch with leg extension, supine posterior pelvic tilt)
-> next time have shopping list ready, bring laptop and backpack for coffeehouse
How to Prepare for Coronavirus - The New York Times
Sweeping new scientific analysis ranks 44 foods that boost mental health
Antidepressant foods: An evidence-based nutrient profiling system for depression:
Oyster 56% Watercress 127%
Liver, spleen, kidneys, heart 18%-38% Spinach 97%
Poultry giblets 31% Mustard, turnip, or beet greens 76%-93%
Clam 30% Lettuces (red, green, romaine) 74%-99%
Mussels 28% Swiss chard 90%
Octopus 27% Fresh (cilantro, basil, parsley) 73%-75%
Crab 24% Chicory greens 74%
Goat 23% Pummelo 69%
Tuna 15%-21% Peppers (bell, serrano, jalapeno) 39%-56%
Smelt 20% Kale or collards 48%-62%
Fish roe 19% Pumpkin 46%
Bluefish 19% Dandelion greens 43%
Wolffish 19% Cauliflower 41%-42%
Pollock 18% Kohlrabi 41%
Lobster 17% Red cabbage 41%
Rainbow trout 16%-17% Broccoli 41%
Snail or whelk 16% Brussels sprouts 35%
Spot fish 16% Acerola 34%
Salmon 10%-16% Butternut squash 34%
Herring 16% Papaya 31%
Emu 16% Lemon 31%
Snapper 16% Strawberry 31%
! mood: between okay and good, actually. On 7C's 5-point scale. I think.
Don’t Goodhart Yourself | Thing of Things
once a measurement becomes a target it ceases to be a good measurement.
* finished
The Future We Choose
2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary | CDC
Nonpharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs) | CDC
* refilled the cats' water dispenser (no idea what the right word for it should be)
~ roundup on hemlock -> can't find the damned sprayer
Did some book-sorting in the garage instead
% 5pm sleepy
& made dinner: chicken, green beans, and asparagus. Used mirin, which worked well.
C complained that it didn't have quite enough flavor -> added hoisin sauce
& awake 3am ; tried to sleep at 5 and 6 but didn't actually get back to sleep
* up 7:00; S=5:58;
* exercise - see sheet
@ comparison of
Finale and LilyPond
* 1pm C MAC Clinic for catheter change
& told C about the list of antidepressant foods. Because oysters and watercress.
React Native - Monorepos & Code Sharing - Brigad Engineering
Follow symlinks? · Issue #1 · facebook/metro
a simple monorepo setup for react & react-native using yarn workspaces.
* set up SL for tomorrow am after PT
% 8ish suddenly feeling very tired; slightly out of it. Though considering how much
sleep I haven't had the last few days...
& Awake 3am; got out of bed 3:30ish after failing to go back to sleep; back to bed ~4:45
* up 5:10; S=5:13; don't think I actually got much sleep
Google Just Gave Millions Of Users A Reason To Quit Chrome (
security/privacy problems with ScrollToTextFragment feature - Chrome recognizes links
ending with: #:~:text=[prefix-,]textStart[,textEnd][,-suffix]
Scroll To Text Fragment · Issue #194 · mozilla/standards-positions
siderea | Preparing for the Pandemic: Stage 0 [coronavirus2020, Patreon]
Microsoft Windows: What you need to know about what's coming next (
marypcb: Thu, 23:18)
* 7:30a PT - bring backpack
-> new exercise: modified Thomas (who?) stretch. Involves danging a leg off a table;
can be done in bed. Or, I presume, a couch. klik-klak probably ideal.
* get $50 cash - nearly broke; L will want some tomorrow
* SL: RiteAid: B-12, probiotic; Ace: pump sprayer;
Payless: guacamole salsa, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, ice cream, vermouth
(M+R Extra Dry), cran, blood orange cran, low sodium V8, ginger ale, candied ginger,
1/2+1/2, farman's baby dills, 6-pack 7.50z cherry coke, cream cheese (two), shallots,
garlic, TP (strong, not fuzzy) [??], paper towels, bacon - thick and thin, pesto
(cheapest - L likes it), 1# hamburger, chicken thighs (pkg of 4), 2pkgs mushrooms,
low-salt potato chips, shelled pistachios, + ricecakes
x mirin, marsala (dry), 2 S-safe pasta sauce, 2 petite diced tomatoes, fish/seafood
Lead Like a Pirate: Be Democratic | Caveman in a Suit
Emotional Intelligence Needs a Rewrite
* relocate cord for L's lamp - near the end of the couch -> now runs down the RH end of
the shelves. I have achieved space.
& answering a quora question: print last commit.
git log --reverse --date-order | sed -n -e '1{p; n}; 2,/commit/{/commit/d; p}'
Sed - An Introduction and Tutorial I like the name of the website
: looks like there's one more serving of gin left
We’re not prepared for the end of Moore’s Law - MIT Technology Review
* singing: Daddy's World, WItC, The October Country, Travelers, Bears
0229Sa * litter boxen
& might have woken ~2; not sure.
* up 6am; S=5:47;
x L and S borrowing Molly for trip to Mt. Vernon
~ set up sprayer -> not working. Behaving like it's clogged maybe, but worked with H2O
whem I tested it. Filter blocked by crud in the water or maybe the round-up?
besides which it appears to be starting to rain.
* finished the bottle of Aviation gin (0229) Should I have saved it for Riley?
IT PROFESSIONALS: Prep/Pandemic: Facet 𝒯 [coronavirus2020, tech, Patreon]
* s4s Daddy's World -- it also needs notes -> s4s-in-daddys-world.html
* debugged simplex constructor in hyperviewer. (bletch)
[Crossposted from
mdlbear.dreamwidth.org, where it has
comments. You can comment here,
or there with openID, but wouldn't you really rather be on Dreamwidth?]