Done Since 2020-02-02

Feb 09, 2020 09:27

Not a very productive week. Sleeping irregularly, between tizanidine (muscle relaxant) and Colleen's cold and other problems. No FAWM activity; simply out of ideas. And energy. A little music about every other day.
A lot of hopelessness and despair.
Notes & links:
0202Su Grondhog day, Imbolc, Superbowl * awake 0450; S=5:44 * up 09:33; S=8:16; tizanidine, heat : Sable's trackpad isn't working -- that could be a problem. trackpoint still works -> see how it does after a reboot. Later. -> worked (Monday) * out grocery shopping with L * scanned/emailed letter of consent for emergency house number Address Signs - South Whidbey Fire / EMS * 5pm started the 750 ml bottle of Aviation gin Chaos give me at Conflikt. # I appear to have purchased Plink in 1995 (based on my review which says "I got mine about 8 years ago", and the CVS checkin date of 2003). # I purchased Rolly in 2005, according to this post. (formatted like the previous entry, for easy grepping) # I purchased Cygnus in 2011/11 * 10ish tizanidine, meloxicam, other drugs - plan on 6am, 2pm for next tizanidine 0203Mo & Awake 3:40; S=4:33; C out in LR; we both went back to bed ~5:30 % no progress on FAWM * up 6am; S=5:07, W=201.8; (didn't actually sleep); tizanidine; ... shower : no V -- Wed and Fri this week * call Harbor PT 360-331-3969 hours: Mo: 7am-5:30pm, Tu: 7am-6:30pm, We: 7am-1:00pm, Th: 7am-5:30pm, Fr: 7am-1:30pm -> should have called last week. First apt is end of Feb. * install yellower bulbs for L -- she has problems with daylight spectrum lights. * Sang Daddy's World. edited St. Murphy's Day, strawed through it a couple of times * install new keyboard in Raven. Piece of cake. One of the two screws is missing, but it seems to work okay regardless. windows aren't avoiding docks, though. : 4:54 -- too late for a tizanidine -- have one at bedtime. % realized (in the car driving to N''s) that I've actually gotten somethings done today * 6pm singing lesson N' -* set alarm for 5:25 Mostly just a good conversation. St. Murphy, Daddy's World, Bigger On the Inside. / major cleanup. laundry % the worst part is her crying, though. Because I can't fix it. % 9:45 tizanidine, meloxicam, other drugs; p=3.5-4 % 10:30 feeling out of it, wrung out. 0204Tu * Up 7am; S=7:18; * 8:20 tizanidine etc % 9:30 back pain ~4 @ The best laptop ever made - 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro (2012-2015) article written in 2017. Good args against Apple's "improvements" since then. @ The Depression Thing : noon - it appears to be snowing. Not currently sticking, though. ~ make sure C calls to verify appointment with Dr. Rochier (she remembered that she'd cancelled it due to snow, and not made another. Verified with dg) : 1:30 snow appears to be sticking a little. Front door mat is slippery. % I keep having the feeling that there's something I've forgotten to do, or forgotten that I have to do soon. (I _do_ remember that dinner is baked potatoes...) * dinner - baked potatoes - start 5ish * chord out Daddy's World, add original version in book, g -> m @ What It Means If You Can Feel Your Heart Beating - VICE @ posh · Microformats Wiki POSH = Plain Old Semantic HTML. Lots of good stuff on that page. * _finally_ swapped the plastic bin that I'm using as a tray in the file cabinet -- which I have a lid for that I wasn't using -- with the one without a lid on the shelf next to my desk. Did a little organizing at the same time. : The cats have a new, large, crinkle ball thanks to L * swapped "warmer" (lower color temp. -- go figure) bulbs into fixture over CD towers. * 10ish tizanidine, meloxicam, other drugs - plan on 6am, 2pm for next tizanidine 0205We Dad -- 1999 & awake 2:20; S=3:14; * up 8:30ish; S=7:46; tizanidine % 10am some positional hypotension? * order D-Mannose for C : fscking ambulance bill went to collections; 451/month starting today. crap @ 27 essential tips for Git and GitHub users | InfoWorld @ Git - Contributing to a Project tbaggery - A Note About Git Commit Messages * (re)order CPAP supplies. They "overlooked" last month's (1/11) order. * V - take C for labs ! anxious. Noticed elevated heart-rate. Most likely cause was reading NYT briefing * C needs more lomotil -> V called it in -> should be ready by 12:45 -> pick up : 3ish L' * 8ish meloxicam; haven't had the tizanidine yet * music: Daddy's World, The River. Worked on guitar part of Eyes Like the Morning -- it'll be a while before I get that riff back. . Need to work up The River and Eyes Like the Morning for V-day. (both chorded out now) * 10ish tizanidine 0206Th & Awake 2am; back to bed 4am but couldn't get back to sleep * up 5am; S=3:58; drugs ~6. (no tizanidine at that time) * left one of the two new flashlights in Molly (pocket on driver's side door) * 2:20 C Dr. Rochier - start leaving 1:30ish -> still doing great. Stopping humira may have been exactly the right thing to do; may have taken her immune system that long to recover enough to fight off the UTIs. : Misty Moisty Morning has potential: s/milking/filking/... * after dinner, remind L to do her laundry & do dishes * 10ish meloxicam, tizanidine, et. al. % sleepy. This is not surprising. : 11pm septic system alarm went off, Silenced it, but no idea what caused it. See tomorrow if it's back to normal. 0207Fr * up 8am; S=8:43; / C on the recliner in LR, as usual * check septic system. Light should be blinking -> okay. Not clear what was wrong last night. -> checked in box room; seemed okay. % a little vertigo. WTF? Not nearly as bad as last time. Maybe just headache? Still feeling weird 11:30; can't tell whether it's a real problem, perhaps just a cold, or anxiety. Growf. * 8:27 tizanidine % the milk's gone sour; C discovered this after I'd served us both cereal. I took it rather badly (I think)because I'm not feeling well. * V / 2:30 major cleanup (V) (plus *4* later ones between 3 and 5) * Finished The Fall of Gondolin * CPAP supplies should be in Clinton for pickup -> called. no. Stuff is not getting ordered by the "director" of DME. I really want to find out WTF is going on. Asked for a callback via the person I reached at the DME number. Probably won't. -> as predicted, crickets. -> looked in yelp, to find people complaining that they couldn't give zero stars. So there's that. * SL: {thin, thick}bacon, olive oil (napoleon), peanut oil, eggs, english, marmalade, worcestershire, red wine vinegar, mushrooms, milk, @ Anatomy of a rental phishing scam - : septic system alarm went off again; only alarming for a few hours if that. % 8ish sleepy / yet another cleanup. 6 today, and 2 showers 0108Sa * Up 4:50; p=4; / minor cleanup 7:45 or so @ GitHub - k88hudson/git-flight-rules: Flight rules for git awesome collection of git lore in the form "I want to..." followed by how to do that. links to other resources at the end git-extras/ at master · tj/git-extras (installable with apt) git-tips/tips: Most commonly used git tips and tricks. - one-liners @ Git from the inside out how it works under the hood " focuses on the graph structure that underpins Git and the way the properties of this graph dictate Git’s behavior. Looking at fundamentals, you build your mental model on the truth rather than on hypotheses constructed from evidence gathered while experimenting with the API. This truer model gives you a better understanding of what Git has done, what it is doing, and what it will do. " * cygnus: make sure all git repos are in sync with origin and (if applicable) github * garage: bring in Tolkien books, locate shelf standards, tentatively locate studs (back to house for stud-finder, as well as bringing in the books.) Be nice if the workbench was a few inches farther from the door. -> WTF? Found leftmost stud; the others seem to be undetectable, and not where I would expect them to be. But I know they're _there_...somewhere. -> books shelved. Didn't take as much shelf space as I expected. There are several volumes missing; presumably in another box -> actually, on the fiction shelf. -> there are some I don't recall reading. Probably didn't -- I do that. * 6:50 meloxicam etc. & wasted half an hour or so trying to re-arrange cables on sable. No dice. For some reason the HDMI to mini-DP works on the mac but not on sable.
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