Done last month (20171126Su - 1202Sa)

Dec 03, 2017 17:00

Got a few things done; a little guitar (in 5-minute noodles, but still -- I need to get my fingers back in shape) and a little hacking (kludged together a script for posting to DW from Emacs, using a bash front end to charm, which seems to be the only available command-line client. I can do better, but this was good enough for last week's post, and this week's). I also figured out why ljupdate.el is still broken: it's using an HTTP GET macro that doesn't handle https. :P
I've brought up over half of our CDs, and gotten most of them onto shelves. The new organzation, subject to minor revisions, is:
  • Filk/folk/rock/pop/etc. alphabetical by performer. Last name for people.
  • Filk/folk/rock/pop/etc. collections, alphabetical by title.
  • Classical alphabetical by composer. Special exception for Gilbert & Sullivan, filed under G.
  • Classical collections, alphabetical by performer or title, whichever makes more sense.
  • Jazz, alphabetical by performer.
  • Show tunes and operas, alphabetical by title.
  • Natural sounds, relaxation, ambient, etc. alphabetical by title.
  • Christmas music, alphabetical by performer.

The household coined two new words: "rambronxious" (portmanteau, me) and "rambrooxious" (portmanteau, N). These join "rambunct" (back-formation) as a verb. We (finally) have our fridge's icemaker working. The thing was apparently wrecked by having been left to freeze, sometime before 2015 when the house was installed. (What's the right verb for a manufactured home? Not "built", certainly. "Manufactured", maybe.)
Not nearly as productive on the psych front -- the LCSW I contacted last week isn't taking new clients. And there are only a handful of therapists on the island who take Medicare. (No surprise, especially to those following siderea.) So I got stuck, as I usually do.
I did, however have an Insight(TM), which is that I'm still nowhere near recovered from two years of burnout at Amazon. (Below you will find a few links for burnout recovery. Helpful, but not excessively so.) I also started using my happy light. (Yeah; it's a SAD light -- "happy light" is the brand.) And Ticia has been exceptionally cuddly, which is nice.
And one more insight: I figured out why I don't like writing in Markdown or other text formats, and prefer LaTeX or HTML: they're basically physical markup, not semantic markup. In HTML I can, for example, distinguish between a citation and emphasis, even though they both get shown as italics. Given my current set of emacs bindings, HTML is easier for most things; songs and poems are easier in LaTeX with my FlkTeX macros.
Notes & links:
1126Su * up 6:30; W=199.4; shower @ Dyslexie Font - Typeface f(George...) free for home use OpenDyslexic | Free, OpenSource Dyslexia Typeface not quite as pretty, but free apt-get install fonts-opendyslexic antijingoist/open-dyslexic: What I intend to be an opensource font for dyslexics and for high readability * some hacking, writing a bash front-end to charm. Looks like 1. it doesn't handle the Location parameter yet 2. it _can_ read headers from a file, if it's a template or a draft. So we can probably make it read headers from STDIN % decided not to go to church with G, for reasons that I couldn't really articulate; the excuse I used was that C was still asleep and I didn't want to wake her to say I was going. That wasn't really it, because I'd already told her, yesterday. : turned out to be a good thing, because our next-door neighbor (Connie) came over to say that Amazon had misdelivered a package, likely because their house number is missing the distinguishing digit. * Added Location header to charm, and built a trivial bash front-end to go with it. Handles the contents of an lj-update buffer. As it turns out, charm _can_ handle files with headers, just not in quick mode. That should be fixable. In the mean time, the combination is ugly but workable, and it will let me (finally) write most of the makefile recipe I've been wanting. : charm can archive posts, but I don't think it archives comments. % had just about decided to postpone shopping to tomorrow, when N said that she had to go get the kids from M's. So that decides it, and I can have a drink now.) # let M'= $(C's caregiver), since obviously M=$(N's ex) takes precedence : Looks like charm can probably post a file non-interactively; it can get info from a draft, template, or archived post (all of which have the same format header+body format). -q is explicitly compatible with -x; the documentation is sketchy in the other cases. -> charm -q -x file # works fine. @ nicferrier/emacs-web: a useful HTTP client in EmacsLisp if I ever fix lj-update * Sunday: brunch/scrounge 1127Mo & Awake ~4:30 * up 5:40; W=198.6; @ Free Money: The Surprising Effects of a Basic Income Supplied by a Tribal Government | WIRED (ysabetwordsmith) @ 10 Ways to Reduce Waste During the Holidays Wasteless Thinking (ysabetwordsmith) More good tips in the comments How to Create a Low-Waste Home: A Room-by-Room Guide Wasteless Thinking x 10am Bronx -> got his shots last Friday, so not necessary * try to make therapy appointment: Counseling on Whidbey Laurie Sirotkin, MSW, LICSW PLLC (888) 365-3637 -> email sent 09:30 -> not accepting any more clients on Whidbey. Recommended Nancy Kaplan in Freeland. * go next door and collect package * shopping list: apple juice, stick and roll butter, ground beef, tortillas, tortellini, shredded cheese, shredded Italian blend, chicken, apple juice, country time {lemonade, half+half}, potato bread, English, yogurt, cottage cheese, 6-pack 12-oz diet coke, shells (1 pkg), egg noodles (1 pkg), mushrooms; back brush * 15min: pumped up Molly's tires, all of which were about 4-5psi low. * 15min: another bag of CDs in from the garage; put up the last of the shelves on the one tower that actually works. * 15min: M/C: link checking and formatting in h.home * Monday: quesadillas (turkey optional), -salad- 1128Tu * up 6:55; ; * meeting with N and person from SCORE about N's new business. In Coupeville, so we returned with cinnamon buns. * Tuesday: hamburgers @ If The World Was Created By A Programmer [Comic] - Toggl Blog f(G) 1129We * up 7:14; W=200.6; # "rambronxious" really ought to be a word. Guess it is, now. -> N adds "rambrooxious" Of course we already had "to rambunct" as a verb. @ Mother Gaia - Humon Comics * call Whidbey Telecom about static on line 360-321-1122 -> tech scheduled for tomorrow Tried to get in at the demarc with the landline phone (base unit on an extension cord) but simply couldn't get enough leverage to access it. So tech scheduled for tomorrow looks like while I was working on it an appointment opened up. So, ... win? @ catproofed Christmas trees | Archie McPhee (minoanmiss) 15+ Genius People Who Found A Way To Protect Their Christmas Trees From Asshole Cats And Dogs | Bored Panda The first one is particularly good. Mostly duplicates the previous link. @ Web searching for the researcher | Gary McGath * Wednesday: Zabar's -new recipe chicken (garlic, olive oil) over noodles- @ Bay Area Bisexual Network Operations (kshandra) * 15min: sorting CDs @ Improving Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Key Skills for Managing Your Emotions and Improving Your Relationships (ysabetwordsmith) : 10:20ish Ticia actually jumped up onto my lap -- twice! 1130Th * Awake 3:30; * up 5:ish; W=201.4; * The "Purely Elizabeth" granola I got this week doesn't taste good with milk, but I like it with Greek honey yogurt. : cygnus seems to have become unstable, failing to wake up from sleep and requiring a reboot. May have to do with disconnecting power at the wrong time. Happened once plugging _in_ power. Weird. * 15min: M/C: fixed bottom-mobars. * afternoon phone tech -> found a stray cable, coming out of the gravel near the SW corner of the house. Wish I'd known about it; could have had a jack installed in the LR. Although, with old cable, it probably would have had problems anyway. -> no voltage on it, so maybe not. I'm still suspicious; pretty clearly it dates back to the old house, and there may be a partial connection somewhere. -> got two filters -- one for the phone, and a splitter in case I want to add VoIP at the DSL line (i.e. my Sipura FXO box) as an answering machine @ Preventing Burnout: Techniques for Dealing with Overwhelming Stress Self Help-Burn Out | Student Counseling Service Recovering From Burnout - Stress Management From -> Need to recover, at this point. Obviously too late for preventing. -> retiring and moving probably wasn't the best way to deal with it. @ Recovering from Burnout and Depression - Kieran Tie * (4-6) Fridge - install valve & had to power-cycle the DSL modem to fix connection problems. Weird. The tech's fiddling around must have gotten it into a bad state. * Thursday: tortellini with cheese sauce and/or pesto # I just figured out why I don't like markdown et. al.: they're physical markup, not semantic markup. * 15min: cleared out my tabs, mostly by moving Amazon tabs to the wishlist. May have fixed cygnus's instability. I hope. * 15min: a little more CD sorting. Time for another bag full. * household decided to find another caregiver for Colleen 1201Fr * up 6:50; W=201.4; @ The Things People Do To Foil Energy-Saving Buildings | Smithsonian (ysabetwordsmith) * M/C: replaced keyboard on N's chromebook. Ugh. 8gazillion little screws, multiple pieces, etc. because the keyboard is attached to the replacement "palmrest" and one has to take *every*single*component* off it. And, it didn't want to turn on, except that as soon as I *plugged it in* and opened it, it came up. Weird. @ siderea | [psych, tech, Patreon] The Two Worlds Rubber Duck Debuging. Interestingly, despite the claim in The Lost History of The Jargon File that it's in the jargon file, I couldn't find it in either (apparently abandoned) or Inside (the head) voice vs. outside voice for change of perspective in problem solving. @ Rubber Duck Debugging - Debugging software with a rubber ducky % There was a weird transition somewhere between 5 and 8 years ago when I stopped talking out loud to myself on my walks. Does that correlate when I last was actively writing songs? * 1pm Colleen Connect Hearing & walked over to Whidbeytronics while C waited in the car. Good selection of phone and computer accessories (no actual phones or computers). Cases for iPhone and Samsung. Bought a 15' telco cable. @ Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia - Wikipedia " get up and move to another room when sleep-onset does not occur within ten minutes " " Restricting sleep has also been shown to be an effective but usually temporary measure for treating depression. " CBTI | Stanford Health Care pretty much a how-to. Sleep Restriction is the one I hadn't heard of before. Useful. $ C $20 to Wikipedia Foundation on amex @ I'm a Recovering Burnout | HuffPost * Friday: sandwiches/scrounge @ Linux Journal Ceases Publication | Linux Journal sad So Long, and Thanks for All the Bash | Linux Journal (Rick Moen on SVLUG) Purple box claims another victim | Don Marti " That purple box of data leakage third-party trackers that forced Linux Journal into an advertising race to the bottom against low-value and fraud sites is not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door...but it s there. A magazine that was a going concern in print tried to make the move to the web and didn t survive. " 1202Sa & awake 5:30ish; Ticia cuddle * up 6:05; W=200.6; * ack to Friday Afternoon Tea Grand Opening Day! * 15min: brought in another 2 bags of CDs (bottom layer of box) and a few books. @ Conversations between self and self as Sigmund Freud A virtual body ownership paradigm for self counselling | Scientific Reports * 15min: shelved CDs. Classical by Composer and F*lk, Rock, etc. by Performer are sorted. The so-far-unsorted categories are Classical by Performer, Broadway, Jazz, and Relaxation/Nature/Ambient (which overlaps other categories, so it gets tricky). $ $33 to Linux Journal (Belltown Media) for bundle+archive * noon: caregiver interview - Vivian -> yes * 1:30: caregiver interview - Zelma(?) -> way too quiet and passive x 6pm Wayward Coffeehouse -> predicted rain and ice - not something we want to drive in -> we'll put on appropriate music and drink hot chocolate in comfort. * 15min: another 2 bags of CDs, plus the happy light. % Happy light is happy. Should only run it in the morning, though. @ Asking sites to do something about surveillance marketing | Don Marti @ Steve Jones's answer to Are cats smarter than we take them for? - Quora -> YES ~ Saturday: date night/leftovers -> C and I had a quick mid-afternoon meal before we decided not to go out. * All Hail to the Penguin: Installing Bodhi on Lenovo Thinkpad X131e Chromebook : the new icemaker should be run in crushed-ice mode. The cubes block the chute. 1126-1202 Menu * Sunday: brunch/scrounge * Monday: quesadillas (turkey optional), -salad- * Tuesday: hamburgers * Wednesday: Zabar's -new recipe chicken (garlic, olive oil) over noodles- * Thursday: tortellini with cheese sauce and/or pesto * Friday: sandwiches/scrounge ~ Saturday: date night/leftovers
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. You can comment there with openID, but wouldn't you really rather be on Dreamwidth?]

household, unpacking, cats, done, software, neighbors, psych

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