So... pretty good week, I guess. Not quite as productive as I would have
wanted. Or needed. I did spend some time yesterday upgrading various
computers, including some that hadn't been touched in quite a long time.
Blackroot, the Thinkpad I took with me from Ricoh, had a Debian partition
that was still on Squeeze, so it needed two upgrades. Went ok,
though. The plan is to use it upstairs in the bedroom, for those times
when I can't or don't want to go downstairs. E.g., cat cuddles.
Did quite a lot of singing Monday morning, for those few people still left
in Mom's apartment. Travel was uneventful; I had a full hour to change
planes in Midway.
Lots of good snuggle with Colleen and Ticia when I got home. Ticia is an
awesome therapy cat.
* up 7ish; ; shower
* 4pm concert - Bill Leslie and Lorica
* buy copy of Digger for Mom
As Students Tackle Privilege and the Environment, Paganism Grows on Campus |
Inverse f(Moss Bliss); shared in f(RDNA)
* Re-reading Mom's memoir (or rather, reading the second edition for the first time)
* up 7; ; shower, laundry, ... laundry
* I have been sharing a vacationing resident's apartment with Caroline; since today is
the last day, I tossed my sheets and towel in the washer before I left for breakfast.
$ $10 for CC+S from Ellen
* Singing: Lock Keeper, The River, Gentle Arms of Eden, Rambling Silver Rose, World
Inside the Crystal. Forgot to mention: Bigger on the Inside, Saturday.
* Never got a call about the oncall transition meeting; went over the wiki page.
: Fast line thrugh security -- the advantage of weekday afternoon travel through a
small airport, I guess. Had to chug about a quarter of a water bottle I'd forgotten
to empty.
* picked up a bag of beef jerky in RDU, and a yogurt cup at MID.
& dozed for a bit on the plane.
-> Travel note: bring a carabiner or strap to keep jacket on top of rolly.
-> Travel note: A rolly that's actually thin enough to fit under a seat would be nice.
: N had brought Chinese from YuShan, but I had been nibbling on the plane and didn't
need it. Lunch!
& reboot DSL router to fix net flakiness. Seems to have worked.
& I did, however, have to do laundry in order to make room in the washer for mine.
* Ticia was snuggled up next to my shoulder most of the night
* up 6:30; W=196.4; laundry
* Hot+Sour Soup for breakfast, and Ma-Po Tofu for lunch
& ordered bio-bags, because we're out. As usual, nobody thought to mention that we were
*running* out.
% can't tell whether I'm tired, depressed, or both. Probably both.
The Thing About Git Workflow mainly based on using the index. Good if you're
not using push for backup.
% Awake 3:30; cuddled with Colleen and Ticia; got back to sleep
* up 6:ish; W=198; ..., dishes, laundry
* to work early -- before 7 -- because N was driving up to a dentist appointment and
wanted company.
“Protected” and “Default” JAVA Access Modifiers
" Protected: Protected access modifier is the a little tricky and you can say is a
superset of the default access modifier. Protected members are same as the default
members as far as the access in the same package is concerned. The difference is that,
the protected members are also accessible to the subclasses of the class in which the
member is declared which are outside the package in which the parent class is
present. But these protected members are “accessible outside the package only through
inheritance“ "
This is wildly different from the way C++ does it; I would argue that this is one of
the very few cases where C++ does something right.
EFF Publishes "Pwning Tomorrow," a Speculative Fiction Anthology
The diaspora* Project
* 15min: shelving books. Trying to clear off the Klik-Klak.
* made room for the Christmas tree.
* humira
* Up 6am; W=197; laundry
* 15min: shelving books. Pretty much at random.
: On the way home from the bus stop I was passed by no less than 4 C busses. (I'd taken
the 21, because it was the first one that stopped at 3rd and Pine)
Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't
Noticed | Gustavo Tanaka some parts I agree with, some I don't.
* Bills: electricity
* 15min: more book-shelving
* 15min: checked in and pushed steve/Lyrics-*. Required .gitignore and *.sty from
Lyrics. All now build.
* up 5:51; W=197.8; laundry
& cleverly neglected to have lunch. (I did have leftover broccoli beef for breakfast,
so it's not too drastic, and I've been snacking on fractional donuts all day.)
: ... but there was a pretty big spread of munchies for end-of-month beer30
% it got loud, and I couldn't hear what people were saying. Retreated after ~:30
: 7:40 net connection flaky. Power cycling worked for about a minute. Stays up for a
little while - 15s or less - then goes down. Repeatedly.
: 8:15 seems to be back. Fort he moment.
* up 5ish; W=197.2; Shower, dishes, laundry
4 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself When You’re Anxious f(Erica Neely) hmmm.
* 15min: puttering. Book shelving, putting up coat hooks (including tracking down the
one that pulled out in the entryway and reinstalling it with longer screws), upgrading
General Jack Keane. Keane retired in 2003, Obama took office in 2008. Now, even for
those Republicans who were educated using Creationism Math (where 4 Billion = 6000 x
the square root of Jesus on a velociraptor / the number of HP jobs shipped to
Bangladesh) they should STILL be able to figure out Keane hung up his sword five years
BEFORE anybody outside of Chicago ever heard the name Barack Obama.
-> If you're not reading Jim Wright, you should be.
Stonekettle Station: War Face
" QOTD: me: would you like some mixed nuts?
Colleen: No thank you; I live with enough of them.
& upgrading the Debian partition on blackroot; currently doing the intermediate step of
upgrading from Squeeze to Wheezy. Jessie will be next, of course.
Think I'll install it upstairs when I'm done -- I've been wanting a machine I can use
in the bedroom when I want cat time.
% 6:40 in the RR with Colleen. Had chili for dinner; sitting with a blissed-out
Ticia on my lap... (and now she's gone, but it was very sweet)
... and then she came back; stayed until I had to use the litter box at 7:45
: My stupid Samsung tablet is at it again. There's something wrong with the usb
connector; any given charging cable will work for a little while, then something wears
out and it stops working.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]