Done last week (20150913Su - 19Sa)

Sep 20, 2015 10:41

On my way home from work on Monday I started noticing flu symptoms; by evening they were in full force, and I spent the rest of the week working from home. Yesterday I was feeling almost normal modulo a cough, but still too easily tired. Will probably be up for work on Monday. I hope so.

The washer/dryer that Home Depot couldn't install has been hauled away, and the refund is in my account. They shouldn't have left it here in the first place -- we should have refused the shipment and had it taken back. I'm still looking for the repair receipts for the old one; that's probably hopeless.

I didn't go to my 50th high school reunion. Sad about that, but it meant that I'll be able to afford OVFF. And with my case of the flu, I would almost certainly have had to cancel anyway -- I was in no shape to travel. So it goes.

Mostly I've been worried about money. As usual. There's a reason why one of the tags on this post is "Trainwreck". 30 years of lousy financial decisions will do that.

I've been studying CSS and SVG. My website-building skills are basically 20th Century, and need to be brought up to date. Some of the things people are doing with CSS are impressive.

Details and links in the notes.

0913Su * up 5:40ish; W=201; laundry, dishes ! cried while cuddling Desti. Not so much missing Curio, as thinking to myself that after I lose or leave my job, I won't have the money to casually walk into a shelter and adopt another cat. : ... and later, she came up on the arm of the chair and nuzzled. Now she's just sitting there, keeping me company. & Reassigned East to channel 6; it had been sharing channel 1 with West. * Out with Colleen for a st/roll to the Farmers' Market. I wasn't very enthusiastic, and especially disliked the side-trips to QFC and TJ's, but on the whole I'm glad we went. I need to get out more. ! depressed about finances -- the impending trainwreck. & ... and more stylesheet breakage: no C++ comments, either. * 15min: puttering around the desk. Still looking for two uSD cards and my ORCA card. * Joined FIP Fighters group on FB. @ revarbat/snappy-reprap · GitHub snap-together self-replicating printer: $300 * send my regrets about NHS reunion (it's 0918Fr-20Su) first contact was April; no idea why I didn't jump on it then. & some work on the Rainbow Bridge and Curio's page -- there's finally a picture up. % looked for/at rainbow bridge cat pictures. That was probably a mistake. Ouch! 0914Mo * up 6:30; W=201.0; @ The Moral Bucket List - The New York Times f(Caroline Savitzky) : Call from Kathy@HD -- will refund now. Pickup scheduled for Thursday * productive at work: got CR shipped and package pushed. % definitely coming down with something. Possibly flu. starting on the way home: muscle aches 8pm: chills : The 70 line had a brand-new trollybus -- nice. Seattle's new ride: the electric trolley prototype : silver lining: skipping the NHS reunion means I can affort do to to OVFF. And the way I'm feeling, I might not have been able to go to Norwalk anyway. " Yay for BECU: Your monthly BECU eStatement is now available. To protect you from email phishing, direct links to our website are not provided within this email. To view your eStatement, visit the BECU website and login to your Online Banking account. " % 9:15 sleepy % very achy. p~=4-5. Especially neck and upper shoulders. Owww! * hot bath Poor temperature control after I got into bed. % trouble getting to sleep. Lots of phlegm, post-nasal drip. 0915Tu * up 8am; W=198.2; % stiff and sore, especially around the neck and shoulders. : Trackball in the rainbow room went rolling off somewhere, probably under either the chair or the end table. % my coffee tastes thin. * noon-1 went upstairs and slept. Pain level considerably less. 3-4? % not getting much work done, but I didn't expect to. Brain fried. % 4pm still some chest pain, presumably from coughing, but not the back of the neck. I'll take it. & cottage cheese, OJ, and a smoothie. Not entirely sure the dairy is a good idea, but it doesn't seem too bad at this point. Oh, and potato chips. 0916We * up 6:45ish; W=197.8; laundry @ Irving 9th-grader arrested after taking homemade clock to school: 'So you tried to make a bomb?' | Dallas Morning News @ Libraries, Tor, freedom, and resistance - Library Freedom Project First Library to Support Tor Anonymous Internet Browsing Effort Stops After DHS Email - ProPublica % applying heat to both my back and my neck seems to have helped the pain and stiffness; more on the neck than the back. * Productive WFH day. * Accepted invitation to sing "Ship of Stone" in the Pegasus concert @ Net Neutrality Is On Trial - online legal brief - signed % up to bed around 9:30-10; lots of trouble getting to sleep, and lots of mucus. Took diphenhydramine around 3am, which helped a great deal. 0917Th * up 7:00; W=197.8; ...laundry * School starts. N. traditionally drives the kids in on the first day, which gives her a chance to talk to people as needed. @ Antidepressant was misrepresented as safe for adolescents -- ScienceDaily @ Dad Builds Halloween Costumes Around Wheelchairs as a Nonprofit f(N) * 8:30-12:30 HD will pick up washer. This time for sure. % starting to develop a sore throat. @ An Evangelical responds to Sanders' speech at Liberty U @ reddragdiva | Get the hell off Apache OpenOffice, it’s insecure & not worked on any more. Go to LibreOffice. -> no longer in Debian or Ubuntu, so I'm good. @ Power Thesaurus: Free Crowd-Sourced Online Thesaurus - Inkygirl: Guide For Kidlit/YA Writers & Artists - via @inkyelbows -> Power Thesaurus % Felt ok most of the day, but still coughing, and a trip downstairs and back up left me out of breath and slightly dizzy. * 15min: sorting stuffage. Mostly looking for appliance repair receipts and uSD cards. Did find this year's insurance cards, and a sheet of stamps % brain largely non-functional * figured out what causes conky to update without clearing: starting an image editor (not a viewer) *from the file manager* (i.e. open with). Starting one from the command line is fine. :P Killing nautilus killed the conkys. Thunar works fine. * Everything in the laundry room is clean (there are still loads running in washer and dryer). That way Giselle won't have to make any decisions. 0918Fr * up 6:55; W=196.4; laundry & still coughing, so WFH and was a great deal more productive than I would have been going in and spending the afternoon in meetings. Still miss it, though. @ 256 | depression comix story of my life, right there. & since it was just me and Colleen for dinner, ordered medium spicy from Maharaja. veg biryani, chicken vindaloo, tandoori rack of lamb, garlic naan, and raita. Yum. % woke up at 3:30 and had another diphenhydramine. Then overslept. 0919Sa * up 11; W=196.4; laundry Getting up at 11 probably means I needed the sleep. :P @ How to Scale SVG | CSS-Tricks a nice SVG rainbow, which is how I found it @ How I Live-Coded My Most-Hearted Pen | CSS-Tricks impressive. Snippets/HTML | CSS-Tricks * Out shopping: HD and Walgreens. only about 2 hours, but I'm wiped. @ Why are Apple's products so confusing? They ignore design principles | Don Norman | LinkedIn Glad to hear somebody else agrees with me. & wikipedia dive starting from Laevistrombus canarium, yesterday's featured article.
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trainwreck, links, web, done

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