Actually a pretty good week, modulo dysthymia, stress, and back pain.
Productive. We found a
great garden sculpture company at the home show, and I did a lot of
work in the garage yesterday. Including bringing up the hanging lamp that
used to be in our kids' room (later the sewing room) at the Starport, and
hanging it in the Rainbow Room to replace the floor lamp I broke on
We had music Thursday night, which was also a big win. Details in the
notes. I need to sing more.
The L-tryptophan appears to be working. In other mood-related news, I
took an
online test to see whether I'm experiencing stress. High is 19+; I
scored a 30. Ya think? I'm under orders from my massage therapist to
research ways of reducing/managing stress. is one of the best
sites I've found so far.
0215 Su
* up 6:45; W=214.8; laundry, dishes
: The microwave oven is dead.
* Home show. A little disappointing, but still very good.
Found a
great garden sculpture company, with a wonderful "garden butler" frog
and a rather inexpensive dragon. Their catalog has a Ganesh. Win.
Saw a
Pride Maxima 3-wheel scooter that would be great for Colleen around town.
* Dinner: chicken tikka masala
Thorium Power Is the Safer Future of Nuclear Energy
* buy plane tickets for New Orleans Sun -Tue
Melanie Testa - Shirts off, Underwear on: Play Out, Breast Cancer and Gender
Expectations f(Mary Anne Mohanraj) cf: QV
0216 Mo
* Up 6:35; W=213.4; laundry, dishes
* make hardboiled eggs for the kids' lunches.
* reserve time off work: 0223, 0224, 0303, 0309-10
NSA has ability to embed spying software in computer hard drives, including yours
Mysterious plumes erupt from Mars Isn't that how "War Of the Worlds" starts?
* 15min: brought up the third and last CPU box from the garage. This one still has its
hard drive, so it's a good candidate for a quick desktop. Of course there's no place
to *put* it.
0217 Tu
* up 6:15; ; laundry
Breaking: Kaspersky Exposes NSA’s Worldwide, Backdoor Hacking of Virtually All
Hard-Drive Firmware How “omnipotent” hackers tied to NSA hid for 14 years-and were found at last
Confessions of a Comma Queen - The New Yorker
& late night due to kid medical stuff
& Broke Colleen's floor lamp. Was unbalanced; fell over with a crash when I tried to
turn it off. Broken glass everywhere. The next one will have a plastic or metal
shade, and be located where I can reach the damned switch.
0218 We
* up 7ish; W=213.4; laundry
Was Bra-ced For A Different Reaction (
" (After watching him try to not act embarrassed, he tells me what has happened. The
boy had twanged my daughter’s bra and she had punched him in the face twice. I got
the impression they were more angry with my daughter than the boy.)
Me: “Oh. And you want to know if I’m going to press charges against him for sexually
assaulting my daughter and against the school for allowing him to do it?” "
(Almost) Everything We Know About Youth & Privacy is Wrong. Here's Why LI
Matrix: a new specification for federated realtime chat []
* humira
0219 Th
* Up 5ish; ; laundry, dishes
* Painters, for G's room downstairs. A bit of a scramble, but fortunately I remembered
that they were coming so didn't panic -- much.
Liquid Robotics - instrument the ocean
* Curio's food arrived from Petco. Shipping took longer than I expected.
* Installed my 1920x1200 Dell monitor on my desk. SPACE.
& Music in the afternoon: The Bears, Travelers
* Music night! Waltzing With Bears, Gentle Arms of Eden, October Country (Colleen's
favorite), QV (Naomi's favorite), Bigger On the Inside (Glenn's favorite), Nemesis
(G's favorite) Ship of Stone (my favorite) - might have been a few others. Sore
fingers. Now listening to G sing her Kiples and Shels
: Got a good recording of G - needs to be split.
0220 Fr
* up 6:30; ; laundry, dishes
thnidu | Latest in computer security calamities (signal boost)
Equation Group, Lenovo, NSA (which may be redundant)
Superfish: A History Of Malware Complaints And International Surveillance
Superfish superinsecure! | MetaFilter October-December 2014?
Lenovo PCs ship with man-in-the-middle adware that breaks HTTPS connections [Updated]
| Ars Technica (best in-depth report)
Clean PC Walkthrough: Windows 8.1 Ultrabook/2-in-1 -
% 8:50 sleepy
: Curio likes milk.
@ resource for mental and emotional health.
Seems like a good one. Nonprofit. One-page articles, without the multi-page
clickbait you find on Mayo clinic and webmd.
* 0221 Sa
* up 6:30ish; W=213.4; Shower, laundry, dishes
Lenovo Is Breaking HTTPS Security on its Recent Laptops | EFF
Windows SSL Interception Gone Wild (includes list of other programs using the
Komodia library)
Read first unseen Sherlock Holmes story in over 80 YEARS written to help save Selkirk
wooden bridge - Daily Record
* Some work in Tools/make
* 15min: work in the garage. Two boxes of "office sort-me" consolidated into one.
Closet Maid wire shelves stacked; space cleared for workbench. Air filter up to MBR.
(15min is just the tag -- this was probably something over an hour) Stopped so as not
to overstress the back.
* 15min: Another garage session. need a timer. Folded up the banquet table, found the
shelves and other space behind it. Re-stacked wood. Brought up milk crate with IEC
power cords (not that we're short or anything). Unscrewed hooks from beams. Took out
a box of recyclable cardboard. 4pm, and I should probably stop for the day.
The Bible: So Misunderstood It's a Sin (
! 6:43 now in "want to curl up and hide" mode; not sure what that means. Anxiety?
Possibly because otherBear seems down and I don't know why? Possibly.
* researching stress reduction techniques.
& ordered Chinese for dinner.
Counselling Blog - Coping Statements for Anxiety Not so much.
* hang butterfly lamp in RR. Win.
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]